What’s That Song? Part XV

Artist: Girls Love Shoes, Song: “Home”

Previously featured in a great Buick commercial, Girls Love Shoes return in this Lowe’s ad. The spot is visually interesting,  and the song is decent. Though I like “Stars” much more.

Artist: Peter Bjorn and John, Song: “Second Chance”

This commercial for Bud Light Lime has been around since April, but I’ve been seeing it often lately. Expect it to be getting more airplay as winter approaches. Pretty good ad by DDB Chicago, with the beachiness, pretty women, and nice song. Bud Light Lime is obviously going after Corona drinkers.

What’s That Song? Part XIV

Artist: Ivy, Song: “Edge of the Ocean”

Beautiful visuals and song. Nicely done, American Airlines.

Artist: Joy Zipper, Song: “1”

Cigna is an insurance company right? OK yeah, it is. Like the song…very ’60s vibe. And “Go You” is an effective slogan.

What’s That Song? Part XIII

Artist: David Bowie, Song: “Changes”

There are some songs that everyone should know. This is one of them. There’s an embarrassing number of classic rock songs that I haven’t heard, but I know “Changes”. Sweet tune. This BMW commercial actually premiered during the Super Bowl, but it’s been getting a lot of play recently.

Artist: Pitbull, Song: “Vida 23”

Pitbull is a popular artist who is in this Dr. Pepper spot. He’s also a good example of why I don’t listen to pop radio anymore.

What’s That Song? Part XII

Artist: Girls Love Shoes, Song: “Stars”

This is the 2nd time I’ve profiled a song from a Buick LaCrosse commercial. It’s not new either…been on YouTube since early March. But I saw it today and just had to know the cool song in this cool ad. Girls Love Shoes is a really goofy band name. “Stars” is catchy as hell. And I’ve been listening to it on repeat.

Artist: Gin Wigmore, Song: “Don’t Stop”

The 2nd “Don’t Stop” being currently used in advertising. I thought this was Amy Winehouse at first. Anyway, a nice spot by Lowe’s showcasing life’s changes.

What’s That Song? Part XI

Artist: The xx?, Song: “VCR”?

A friend brought this to my attention, as it was written about on Stereogum. It’s a Nokia commercial from India, and the clear implication of the article is that Nokia took the song without permission. They do sound the same. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if Nokia uses an Vanilla Ice-type defense to avoid any potential trouble.

Artist: The Kinks, Song: “Got to Be Free”

What a trippy commercial for the Toyota Prius. I didn’t really notice the song at first since the commercial was so bizarre.  But now that I listen, it’s cool, I guess.

What’s That Song? Part X

Artist: Ben Harper, Song: “Amen Omen”

I think Liberty Mutual’s ongoing campaign focused on social responsibility is quite underrated, and often overshadowed in the very competitive area of insurance advertising. In the past, the spots featured the lovely music of Hem, but now it’s the chill and pleasant sounds of Ben Harper. I don’t know if Liberty Mutual is really as responsible as they claim, but encouraging altruism is a great angle.

Artist: Public Enemy, Song: “Harder Than You Think”

Public Enemy’s music in a commercial for Kmart Fashion? OK…

What’s That Song? Part IX

Artist: LMFAO, Song: “Party Rock Anthem”

If you pay attention to popular music, you probably know this song, seeing as that it was #1 for 6 weeks earlier in the summer. But I don’t really follow the top 40 anymore, so I just found out about it. Both the commercial and song are somewhat weird, but this ad for the Kia Soul definitely stands out.

Artist: Foster the People, Song: “Don’t Stop”

Another car commercial with a recent breakout artist. Foster the People is perhaps best known for their great song “Pumped Up Kicks”, a sleeper hit that’s climbed the charts to a current peak of #3. This ad taught me that the Nissan Versa has the most headroom per dollar, even if you have a goofy haircut or hat.

Artist: Josh Ritter, Song: “Change of Time”

Getting psyched for the NFL? This is a nice song, but it doesn’t exactly feel like a football song. Though I guess the sentimentality of the tune does fit the overall tone of the ad.

What’s That Song? Part VIII

Artist: Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Song: “Home”

Dude, how bleak would this fall be without the NFL? I mean, I love baseball and college football. But college football still has the crappy BCS and baseball this year doesn’t have many interesting pennant races. So it’s sweet to have the NFL, despite being a Bengals fan. The NFL does a great job marketing itself, as it does with this commercial. And the song is pretty catchy too.

Artist: Lenny Kravitz, Song: “Rock Star City Life”

Lenny Kravitz is still around? He still sucks. And his songs all sound the same, which especially isn’t a compliment when you suck.

What’s That Song? Part VII

Artist: Andrew Simple, Song: “I Got Your Back”

Ahh, it’s back to school time again. That magical period where clueless parents indulge their spoiled kids and put themselves further into debt by buying the kiddies all the things they NEED NEED NEED. But going to college is a different beast, so I’m fine with this Best Buy/Geek Squad commercial. It reminds me of an urban legend about a clever undergrad exploiting a loophole. Advertisers really like whimsical, indie-sounding songs. But Andrew Simple has a good one. Very sweet, sincere lyrics, and an overall serene sound.

Bonus video: If you like this Andrew Simple song, you’ll probably like “Question” by the Old 97’s.

What’s That Song? Part VI

Artist: Ingrid Michaelson, Song: “Be OK”

This is an incredibly cute commercial for Travelers Insurance. The dog thinks a cat burglar is going to break into his dog house! Aww. Ingrid Michaelson is a singer whose name I’ve heard, but I didn’t actually know who she was. I like this song. Very chipper.

Artist: The Tender Box, Song: “Mister Sister”

Yep, self-expression is pretty key as Sharpie shows. A nice tune too.