Geico’s Final Countdown…For The Microwave

I guess it is pretty true to life…I know I do a countdown with the microwave. But for me, this Geico spot featuring Europe’s “The Final Countdown” is just meh. Not bad, just not one of my favorites from this often excellent campaign.

Luke McCown Is A Fantastic Backup Quarterback Spokesman For Verizon

Are you tired of seeing the same superstars, mostly quarterbacks, on every other commercial during football season? Well, New Orleans Saints backup QB Luke McCown is here to break up the monotony. Brilliant!

9/25 update: Drew Brees injured his shoulder and will be out this Sunday. Luke McCown will get his chance to shine!

Owen Just Got A Job At GE, Awkwardness Ensues

If someone mentions GE, it’s a pretty good bet that you’ll think of manufacturing. I associate GE with light bulbs, since Thomas Edison was one of the founders. GE Aviation is headquartered a few miles away from where I grew up, so that comes to mind too. But ol’ General Electric wants you to know that it’s a digital company as well as an industrial company. To demonstrate this point, its new campaign introduces Owen, a charmingly befuddled recent college grad who just got hired by GE as a programmer. But since everyone has preconceived notions about the company, awkwardness ensues. It’s nice work by BBDO New York that will especially resonate with anyone who has been in the uncomfortable situation of having to explain a job to peers and parents. By the way, Owen is played by Gianmarco Soresi.

Tuesday Throwback: That Awkward Hall’s Refresh Commercial In A Dorm Room

This one is from 2009, and damn, it’s awkward. We got the mom, Mrs. Hunter, and her son’s new roommate sharing a moment over a Hall’s Refresh. Is it normal for an 18 year old to be asking Mrs. Hunter if she wants a cough drop? And would he really be calling it a Halls Refresh? They both enjoy the mouth-wateringly refreshing juicy flavor, much to the shock of Ronnie and Ronnie’s dad (presumably Mr. Hunter). It’s got moisture action! I remember finding it to be somewhat amusing, but I’m not the only one who was a little creeped out.