The Hyundai Sonata Shows Off Its “Smaht Pahk” In This Boston-Themed Super Bowl Commercial

The Boston accent is one that is frequently referenced, imitated, and lampooned in pop culture. That’s the basis of this new Super Bowl spot for the Hyundai Sonata that was released earlier today. In it, Boston and Boston-area raised celebrities Chris Evans, Rachel Dratch, and John Krasinki chat with exaggerated Boston accents while John pahks his new Sonata. Sounds like he’s pahked it in a lot of places around Boston. Big Papi even gets in on the fun. This ad would feel more appropriate if the Patriots were in the Super Bowl once again, but thankfully for those of us outside of New England, they aren’t.


These Hyundai Sonata Drivers Belt Out “Sweet Caroline” During A Traffic Jam

Getting stuck in traffic sucks. But it helps if you have some good music to get through it. In this new Hyundai Sonata spot, a man (played by Brian Maillard) puts his pipes to use with a rousing rendition of Neil Diamond’s super-singable classic “Sweet Caroline.” It’s so infectious that he gets a female Sonata driver (played by Edi Patterson…thanks to a commenter for that info) right next to him to join in for a duet. Aww.