This Commercial Sucks: Jardiance’s Musical Mess

Pharma ads are endemic in American society, but it’s hard to find anyone who like them. There’s probably good pharma work out there somewhere, like a diamond in the rough. Anyway, I’m a fan of musicals. I think everyday life could use more spontaneous song-and-dance numbers. But this…this is not good. I’m sure Jardiance is useful if you have Type 2 diabetes though. Well, at least if you avoid those nasty side effects. A whole lot of prescriptions seem to have potential to give you perineum problems. So uhh…you’re probably not gonna enjoy it, but here it is!

2/17/24 update: I’ve also added the new version which has a different actress prancing around an office.

About joshw24
34 year old guy. Into sports, pop culture, advertising, and trivia among other things.

911 Responses to This Commercial Sucks: Jardiance’s Musical Mess

  1. Mark says:

    I dunno, I think it’s kinda fun.

    • molly says:

      yeah, I really liked it. I can’t get the tune out of my head.

      • Chris Zmick says:

        I like it to. She is heavy, but very attractive.

      • Holt Harris says:


      • Johnny says:

        I’ve got a boner

      • Daniel Mandich says:

        There is another ad with a musical theme that is much better. The production is light years ahead of this and the performance is way better. It is a ad with an obese star (can’t remember her name, but she is well known.) She sings and acts way better than this poser.

      • maarten429 says:

        Melissa McCarthy — but she’s not advertising for a diabetes medication.

      • Guy Patterson says:

        Yeah, you’re the kind of person that would like watching someone die of a have heart attack if they played the video with a song track added. Such easily amused (I like that shiny thing) people these days.

      • Robert Moran says:

        You need to get laid

      • Mark says:

        I agree

        But proof read your English before pushing an artiicle

      • Bob Brimmer says:

        Now that I’ve figured out three inaudible vocals, I sing and dance when the commercial is on!

      • Eva says:

        I love this commercial!!

      • Tyrel jones says:

        What a moron

      • Michael Goolsby says:

        If you are interested, her name is Deanna Colón and apparently, she is a mainstay in several movies and TV commercials these days:

      • Sandy says:

        I think this commercial is awesome! She is adorable and I love it. You people with negative remarks grow up!

    • Jan Lands says:

      I think this commercial is repulsive, as well as the peeps in it. So gross! Yuk!

      • Molly says:

        As a lifelong diabetic, I’m offended by this commercial! All I want is help, not dancing ,singing non diabetic happiness. They should be ashamed. I leave every time it’s on tv!

      • Katrina says:

        Totally agree

      • Terri Bullis says:

        This commercial is so incredibly awful. Its juvenile, bouncy musical number is just offensively bad. I get that it’s challenging to create an attention-getting ad for a diabetes med. This isn’t it.

      • Tamara says:

        watching rolls of fat ooze over bra strap, and shirt sucked into fat folds, bouncing along to a nice tune, with a smiling woman that weighs two tons is just too contradictory. It’s repulsive, she should be in a bag dress so no one has to look at her rolls of fat . This ad cannot be doing Jardiance any good, just lets us know Jardiance is sorely lacking in talent in the advertising department. what else is it lacking?

      • Birdy Mann says:

        Does she think she looks skinny? LOL

      • K Goodhart says:


      • Johnie says:

        Yup..its just stupid n so fake

      • Marianne says:

        First of all most type 2 diabetics that are that heavy and lose weight may not need medicine. I’m sure there are people that do need meds but this commercial is not good, just my opinion…. I’m a type 1 for almost 50 years….

      • Cathy says:

        I totally agree – this commercial is horrible. I mute it when it comes on. Only commercial on tv that is worse is Kars for Kids.

      • Diane Lambert says:

        Totally agree..sends the wrong message. Looks like they’re celebrating obesity !

      • Darlene says:

        I find this commercial horrible. When I was pre-diabetic the first thing my dr told me is to exercise more and lose some weight. Which I did and I improved so much I was no long pre diabetic. I wasn’t even obese!. Half of the people in this commercial are! What I get out of this commercial? Use this drug and you can still be fat and not have to worry about it!

      • Todd says:

        And why do u say that! You sound very ignorant and insecure

      • Deb Easlick says:

        I’m with you….I have to change the channel when it comes on….it’s disgusting!
        Fat women shouldn’t be dancing on TV!!

      • Maärten says:

        This commercial is aimed at the under 100 club. (Meaning I.Q.)

      • Lynne says:

        I think this is fabulous. I love her smileand her singing👍

      • Ana Keenan says:

        This ad only showed up where I live over the last few months. Repulsive certainly sums it up for me. The morbidly obese actress pretends to “dance” towards the end and she appears to not even be able to support her own body.

      • Allie G says:

        Not the best role model. Fat slob!! Has nothing to do with the medication and the benefits, for sure gross!!

      • Jill says:

        I don’t like that they are making diabetes a look like a happy thing.

      • Jake says:

        A clearly repulsive commercial.

      • Special K says:

        I’m with you. She’s so pretty. Too bad she doesn’t drop the weight and do an “it works” golo commercial

      • Marta says:

        Agree 100%.

      • Susan Peacock says:

        I am not looking to be mean but no just noooooo…….. used the most negative thing to get the publics attention that u could have found………. smh…….. sickening

      • Patti J says:

        I agree. And what’s the message here? It’s OK to be morbidly obese. Eat all you you want! We got your back. Just take Jardiance and you’ll be fine

      • Jay says:

        Shes fat and ugly. Makes me puke. When she wears that yellow outfit, she looks like a fat bloody banana.

      • Rita says:

        Thank you! I thought I was the only one looking at yet another diabetic magic pill. SMH

      • Tom Forbes says:

        The message that this commercial sends is that you can be obese yet still control your A1C. The best way to control it is through diet including weight loss. Why are they saying it’s OK to be overweight? We are a lazy society that accepts laziness.

      • Guy Patterson says:

        Thank you!! Finally a person that isn’t easily manipulated in tricked with a song or shiny object!! Someone who understands that big Pharma just advocates overweight and obese people like it’s the new acceptable trend, making our society more unhealthy than ever in our history.

      • Mignon says:

        Everytime she says a word with “L” she sticks her tongue so far out, that is what is gross. I mute it everytime it comes on. I can’t stand watching it either, wish you could blur the picture as well and it come back when it is over.

      • Melissa Fosse says:

        The heavy woman who sings that little Jardiance tune — in part of the ad, she appears to be wearing maternity pants because of her big tummy. But, the ad
        is played day and night on cable TV stations and I’m wondering just how much the producer of Jardiance is spending to promote that medication and if the cost of the TV ads will be passed on to people who will be prescribed Jardiance — well, the logical answer to that is: Yes, dear diabetic, you will pay for the ads so
        shut up and take the medication and eat everything you want and just get fatter !

      • Sherry says:

        Agreed. She sticks her tongue out on the word “tell”. I want to chuck her under her chin to see if she’ll bite her repulsive tongue. She can’t dance and what’s with the flash mob of fat people? And the pretend conversations with all those other people as she’s waltzing around. Right. Maybe she needs a better diet and a gym membership. I despise this commercial!

      • Cindy Kappelmann says:

        Agreed. All diabetic people aren’t that heavy.

      • Steven says:

        HATE this horrible commercial. It is as if she is dancing in the face of losing toes and possibly her life due to lifestyle and hereditary curses she endured – because she found Jardiance to counterbalance her continuous irresponsible lifestyle. That’s just how it appears to me. Diabetes is a serious affliction affecting MANY people – it’s not a time to dance and celebrate a drug that has innumerable side effects and can lead to more irresponsible lifestyle choices due to a supposed forcefield against those choices.

      • Vo says:

        I agree. If I looked like that, I would not be dancing around. Maybe if she lost 50 pounds she wouldn’t have diabetes.

      • Suzanne Perry says:

        I am a diabetic and also offended by this commerial .. first of all not all diabetics are overweight like the actor and i don’t go around singing
        and dancing that I am on medication.

      • Jeanne Reinisch says:

        I wish the manufacturers would read our objections to this horrible commercial. Diabetes is not a broadway show with signing and dancing. Correct, thoughtful information is what diabetics want to hear. STOP THIS AD.

      • Bonnie L Wright says:

        Agreed! She is disgusting looking and so proud of being obese. Might get her diabetes undre control if she would lose 100 pounds.

      • Robert says:

        I reach for my remote every time this commercial appears and speed dial to the previous channel..all drug commercials with their warnings of side effects of stroke or death are annoying but this Jardiance advertisement is the worst. Just like everything else in this upside down world the archaic trend to embrace unhealthy obese women and see them as attractive will pass.

      • Patricia M Majors says:

        yep – pisses me off every time. let’s celebrate having a disease that could well be helped by minding diet and exercise. and never mind folks who have diabetes often times dont’ feel all bouncy and energetic. I’m all for loving the body we are in – but being overweight still has serious medical consequences – wether we look cute doing it or not.

      • BONNIE R KONJEVICH says:

        I so agree with you. As a retired career RN, this commercial offends one’s intelligence. Even the diabetics I took care of were rarely as fat as this as non-convincing looking, grossly obese woman. How can a potential buyer believe in the product?

      • Spike3 says:

        Well put.

      • Debra York says:

        I agree with you! She is gross and FAT!!!

    • Jessica says:

      Fun???? Ugh! Umm, are her jeans unzipped at the beginning? This is why Dylan Mulvany(a MAN) is getting female ads as someone that isn’t even a female. Weight DOES matter, unless it’s the miracle weight loss pill or orgasm pill that we’ve been waiting on for years!!!!!! Big Parma!! Make something that may actually cause world peace-

      • Bemr713 says:

        I agree! I thought the same thing since I first saw the commercial. The very next time she appears – her frontal shot shows no undies…They must have zipped her zipper up!

      • Annmarie says:

        She’s wearing elastic waist jeans as she probably wouldn’t fit into regular jeans

      • MG says:

        I’ve been wishing I could write to the ad agency to tell them to recolorize or airbrush her belly that’s hanging out! I’m surprised that SHE hasn’t had that taken care of.

      • Jose Taos says:

        I totally agree….this commercial is revolting…I mute the sound and try not to look at the tv when it’s on…It’s become a world where fat has become the norm…just be fat…we have a pill for you…no wonder why the population is lowering.,,who wants to fu* k anyone?

      • Linda says:

        This is one of the worst commercials I have ever seen. How can you glorify Diabetes? This fat woman singing about this drug should lose weight instead of relying on medication to fix it. Take a pill and it will fix it is becoming to complacent in this society,

      • Sandy says:

        Wow. So clever how you threw your trans hatred into a diabetes medication ad.

      • Don says:

        This ad is terrible, but the ‘Avalara’ commercial is even worse!

    • Cindy says:

      So do I. People are just miserable little wenches and love to bitch about something.

    • Ydhtbiotsao says:

      I know it’s fun. She is perfect for the spot. All those people are part of a big story. I think this is one that is Blessed by God! Jesus said we will do greater things.

      • Priscilla says:

        Why would they put someone in a commercial that is obese. Especially if it also a commercial for losing weight I wouldn’t take it just because of that

      • James says:

        It’s always fun when someone inserts God and Jesus into a debate. Kind of like an episode of South Park! However, you’ve conveniently forgotten that gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins…right up there with pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, and lust. Proverbs 23:20-21, 20 Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on food, 21 for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. Like the heinous outfits in the commercial!

      • Alison Bardo says:

        Seriously? Religiosity inserted into convo about a morbidly obese woman dancing (looking gross whilst doing so) while pimping a drug that treats a serious disease often set off by excess weight. America is becoming a nation of fat slobs. And we are being told not to “fat shame” anyone. Well, I think fatness is gross, utterly unappealing and unquestionably BAD for one’s HEALTH!

    • Bonnie says:

      She is horribly obese.

      • Amanda says:

        This woman should not be wearing jeans. In fact, her weight is shameful. There are children in America that don’t have enough to eat daily and this blob is dancing around like an orca. F*ck off, Pharma.

    • Ellis Dee says:

      She might not need the drug if she wasn’t so damn fat! Ever think about that?

      • Darlene says:

        Yes Like half of the people in the commerciall😡 They play it over and over!!

      • M Grace says:

        Shame on the Pharma Company
        The obesity needs to be addressed – not taking a little pill making it All Good! Sickening.

    • Sam Sneng says:

      Instant channel turner. From the moment the fat lady sings I’ve got the remote and off to another channel. Why not?

      • KayKay Jay says:

        I totally agree! Can’t stand her or the whole concept of the commercial. Who does the company think their target audience is — 6-year olds?! She’s so icky. The only commercial I dislike more than this one is any/ALL of the Progressive Insurance commercials. More stupidity, annoying characters, more drivel in a ridiculous concept.

      • Gloria Malarkey says:

        Yup!! I know no one is watching but I still hope someone somewhere hears me clicking!

      • Badlandsbabe says:

        Remember when the expression… It ain’t over till the fat lady sings was just that…
        An expression. LOL. Not anymore. We can all thank
        Bill Gates & company for slowly but, surely destroying America’s food supply & changing it into garbage GMO products. This fat ass along with the rest of society becoming obese is what we have to look forward too. We’re right there folks. You will no longer be purchasing REAL meat or anything else that contains nutritional value.
        This commercial is just a pathetic & weak attempt to lighten the blow.

      • Don says:

        I agree this commercial is terrible, but the ‘Avalara’ commercial is worse!

      • Spike3 says:

        What about 15 year old footage from Shriners’s “Hospital” of Alec and his adawabow bwanket.

    • fred says:

      Yeah & it’s kinda fun to pay sky-high prices for the crap the shameless swindler drug companies pimp to dumbed down useful idiots that are tortured every 15 minutes with these ridiculously horrendous “slice of life” drug ads they pay millions to produce then millions more to the networks that show them.

    • Donald says:

      Fun? About as fun as a root canal. Is it the goal of every woman in America to become the size of a whale?

    • phyllis says:

      I must say though I don’t need this medicine & at first i didn’t find it the best commercial & wondered about the stage show, but each time I find the song & her really bright cheer & rhythm is irresistible.

    • Adelaide Masciulli says:

      It’s refreshing

    • Louise Hudson says:

      It is fun and the dancer/singer is very talented and attractive. I was pleased to see someone who is not skin and bones getting a chance to do a popular commercial. It’s extremely rare. There should be more like this. Not everyone is thin and not everyone should be expected to be thin. I wish her well.

      • Helene says:

        I’m with you, Louise ! I think Deanna DellCioppa Colon is charismatic, and a great singer & dancer ! I wish her a great career in performing. i think these other commentators are jealous because she’s on TV and they’re not ! They ought to be ashamed of themselves !

      • Chrystie says:

        You realize she’s hyping a drug that implies you can be morbidly obese -just take a pill and don’t worry about your diet or the need to exercise. It’s false hope for diabetics not entertainment!

      • Julie Bond Morgan says:

        I would totally agree with you if it wasn’t a commercial for Diabetes medication. It’s in terribly poor taste for a pharmaceutical company to approve an ad for a pill for diabetes, with an obese girl singing and dancing promoting it! Everyone knows the first thing you should do is lose weight if you’re diagnosed with diabetes. Yet they’re almost saying “be morbidly overweight and feel great about it, just take this pill and you’ll be fine” I find it offensive.

      • Gloria Malarkey says:

        We invented clothing to flatter as well as cover.

    • Crack says:

      Moron America and just more totally retarded, assinine garbage for a population that’s completely useless anyway.

    • Evangeline says:

      I like the commercial but, the singer wouldn’t be diabetic if she lost at least 100 pounds. She has a cute face, nice voice, she just needs to lose a lot of weight.

    • Don says:

      Waaay better than the Ozempic ads.

    • Guy Patterson says:

      It’s kind of fun huh?!? That bar is set super high for this person that you could possibly fit a credit card between it and the ground. Shallow thinking minds like this person’s think advocating obesity like it’s the new healthy cool thing and other unhealthy lifestyles like drug abuse can be fun if you set music to it.

      • Julie Morgan says:

        Exactly! If she lost 100 ponds maybe she wouldn’t need the pill!! This commercial is in such poor taste to glorify being obese and having diabetes.

    • willie white says:

      I think you must be kinds crazy.

    • MarkIsamoron says:

      Wow what a moron

    • Rob says:

      I’m a medical person. If I’m promoting a drug that HELPS Type 2 diabetes? WHY would I put the “personification” of that as a person that is still about 100 pounds overweight? You want to show that your medicine helps to regulate your condition and makes you more fit. This person is the personification of the OPPOSITE of what you would want if you have diabetes. Oh she is multicultural alright! Fit in a way that shows the medication helps her? Not even close. And I’d bet that is not the actress who is doing the singing either.

    • John says:

      It sucks. Watching her ass jiggle all over i’m surprised the other dancers dont get sucked into orbit. Plus its so fake and annoying and makes me want to vom. I will get out of the chair or run to the remote to change the channel when this hunk of excrement comes on the tele.

    • Bonnie says:

      She is obese. Sings that she only has “a touch of diabetes.” There is no such thing. Jardiance works only along with diet and,exercise and this morbidly obese is doing neither.

      • Lisa R says:

        She actually says she has “type 2 diabetes” but I thought the same thing at first, lol! I also truly hate this commercial: the jingle, the tight, outdated clothes, the rolls, the amateur dancing, the “joy” of diabetes – the long, torturous fakery of it all, and I long for the good old days when pharma commercials were illegal.

      • cdsherlock says:

        You and me both!

    • Peggy fiedler says:

      As a Healthcare provider of over 35+ years, I am appalled that a pharmaceutical company has such poor comprehension and management of this disease! Disgusting!

    • Donna collins says:

      I love this commercial and the jingle is great! She’s very attractive and sings great! Her being overweight is like most of the people in this country so lay off!

      • maarten429 says:

        Really? Most people look like this? Where do you live?

      • James says:

        She reminds me of a giant weeble! You must live in Weebleville. You know, “Weebles wobble, weebles wobble, weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.”

        You’re welcome, lol!

    • Ed says:

      I understand that some people have medical conditions that foster heavy weight. Nevertheless, as a diabetic who walks 25,000 steps a day, weighs 120 pounds, and works like hell to control my A1C, I find this commercial offensive. I take Jardiance, too, but the message is that it’s for super heavy individuals. If you fail at controls, take a little pill.

    • Merry says:

      Yes!!’ I would love the type two diabetes singing and dancing lady off of the air. In one word it’s an ANNOYING commercial. Dancing around singing and happy with her disease???!!! Annoying song annoying commercial

    • Christina Porcelli says:

      Insulting to this gal and other women . . . Little, big and swell ? ? ?
      . Please stop!

    • Chris Scotto says:

      You suck not this fabulous actress sending a great messsge from one. Who has diabetes 2. You are losers!

    • john mcmanus says:

      There is nothing street party fun, with dancing and singing about diabetes. Particularly when it involve a lame attempt to glamorize an obese women as a representation of the prime group of sufferers of this deadly serious disease.

    • Carol Geiger says:

      This is an outrageous ad that indicates that it is just fine to be obese with Type 2 Diabetes if you take Jardiance daily. That is totally irresponsible!!!

    • Deanna DellaCioppa Colón says:

      Thanks Mark and to anyone who had something kind to say. The world needs more kindness, these comments are not indicative of that. I am the singer and actress from the commercial. I will not defend myself at all, because most of you are not deserving of it, I will say this: judgmental and gross you all are. You have no idea what my health status is, you have no idea what my eating habits are, you have no idea what my struggles, genetics and journey has been. I hope all of you look like Cindy Crawford but I highly doubt it. The fact that most of you came under this post and violently fat shamed me says A LOT about YOU! You should be embarrassed. Do better in life instead of sitting on a blog and spitting hate. This blog and the haters under it are all lame. Honestly, do better humans. So shameful.

      • maarten429 says:

        Your response is also disgusting. Maybe you can learn to be a better human being yourself instead of participating in sloppy, silly, and misleading commercials. That garbage doesn’t help anyone and it doesn’t appear to have helped you either.

    • Karen OHara says:

      Fun – having diabetes and celebrating it like a Broadway or Hollywood musical by promoting drugs is hardly fun. It is offensive really. Perhaps you may see that one day in the future.

      • Raymond Bruce says:

        Completely agree with Karen OHara. If the singer and complete cast were all slim and gorgeous by conventional standards, I’d hate it just as much. Singing and dancing to promote a prescription drug is gross and tacky. Trite lyrics with vanilla melody; dancing like it’s the finale to musical: I’m supposed to be impressed plus-size people are performing this crap? This is progress? Can we get a, “You go girl” ?

    • Ellen says:

      Well that’s your opinion which is fine but I find the commercial the worst one I have ever seen. In fact when it comes on I either mute it or change the channel

    • Alison Damore says:

      totally agree! Fun commercial and I think she sings it great!

    • Latin luva says:

      I would bang the snot outta that mami

  2. Lou says:

    Cracked me up. Like a parody of musicals. Bad lipsyncing, plus sized dancers, clumsy choreography. Drab wardrobe. The backstage bit where she gets ready for her “grand finale” while they blurt out the disclaimers was innovative. Like we are not watching the commercial, but actually at the taping.

    • Riccardo says:

      Yes, and if you watch her feet closely, she is barely moving at all. She’s an attractive fat lady, but she’s still fat.

    • Kiane says:

      I agree, anyone bashing her for her way lacks basic human compassion. She obviously represents the target audience. I am a thin person, but there are people that genetically just carry extra weight. As a medical professional, it’s heartbreaking to see how much hate there is for a heavyset woman, that’s just living her best life

      • Chet Marino says:

        Oh what the hell do you know Dr. Freud. You’re probably at ugly as she is.

      • Serena says:

        I agree with you! Some of the most wonderful people in this world are overweight. I’ve met more ugly people that are skinny because of their hateful minds. Who is anyone to judge another person. I just don’t like most pharm commercials, educate the public not entertain them.

      • Rick Delaney says:

        Well said.

      • Adelaide Masciulli says:

        So much hatred

      • Ad m says:

        The hatred is astounding. Why? Because she is Fat! Very vicious

      • Duckduckgoose says:

        We should never look at obesity as a target market for any industry (even big Parma). It should be a discussion between a doctor and patient without any limelight on it. But this company blasts seriously obese people on TV to a musical in such a way to suggest the heath risks associated with obesity or a thing of the past now and instead it’s the new healthy trend by dancing and singing and proudly shaking their fat.

      • Chrystie says:

        You don’t have a morbidly obese person encourage other morbidly obese people that a little pill will solve their problems. She’s obviously diabetic because she is obese!!

      • Rob says:

        This is what I don’t get. For some reason these days we can’t say what something is or is not. I’m not saying she isn’t nice. These days we have to be inclusive, all about “the message” or if we aren’t approving of everything people think there is hate. For a drug that is promoting good health? Featuring someone that is 100 pounds overweight (not a desireable thing if you are diabetic and esp not if you are promoting a drug that helps you control your weight/blood sugar) isn’t a good look. If the goal was inclusivity, multi-culturalism, “the message”, or promoting our differences then yes this commercial can spike the football. But I would not look at this commercial and say yes she radiates fitness, good blood sugar and diet impulse control, or that this drug is a roaring success in how it has treated her diabetes.

      • Gloria Malarkey says:

        it’s the pants. It’s like when Madonna wore the triangle cone bra. It’s bigger than the commercial.

  3. Murphy Gunnison says:

    The 2023 Jardience commercial, “Musical”, is dangerous in that they are depicting an overweight woman exerting an unhealthy amount of energy. Lately, it seems, more and more commercials and TV shows are showing Obesity as something wonderful and beautiful and is to be overlooked. It’s bad enough to see a person with an obvious health issue, now we connect them to medicines that have side effects that are far more dangerous than the condition that already exists. Aside from the medication, why are we, as observers, supposed to ignore this person’s obesity as if she is healthy? Currently it is “wrong” to shame someone for being overweight, but what if you genuinely care about people and just want to point out ignorance?

    • Lou says:

      They should mention the need to lose weight as part of managing diabetes. Jardiance alone will not do nearly as much as diet and exercise with medication.

      Obesity is no more sexy. We know that smoking does not make you look glamorous. Fifty years ago we thought it did. How many decades before we accept that obesity is the new chain smoking.

      • Lyn says:

        Are you for real? You do know that diabetes makes it extremely difficult if not impossible to lose weight?
        And where please tell is sexiness portrayed or mentioned in this commercial?
        No. Smoking doesn’t make one look glamorous. I don’t get your correlation between smoking and obesity. Obesity has been around forever. The idea of women smoking being sexy and glamorous came about just in the last century. And yes it took about 50 years to realize the health implications . You must have been stuck in the house all your life . You do realize that voluptuous women were considered very sexy and beautiful up UNTIL the last century.

      • Richard Cranium says:

        She is a cow and nobody wants to see that bouncing around on TV. Lets take a 400# man and put him in a speedo and see how much product he sells. Its gross.

    • Marybeth Brooks says:

      You’re exactly right! Showing obese people in commercials, especially for Diabetes, shows a total lack if knowledge about the disease! Obesity is dangerous!!!

      • Mary Ann Messina Johnson says:

        It is gross! She should lose weight!

      • Evey says:

        Is anyone thinking that their target market is obese or largely very overweight ? That’s why the actors are overweight and obese with a tiny number of normal weight just like the general population of the United States. I’m thin, on purpose with a Lifetime of a lot of exercise and mindful eating-never eat fast food, rarely eat out but this commercial is perfect for their target audience which is most folks who are overweight with type 2 diabetes. You might not like fat people but on point.

      • Marilyn says:

        Completely agree… Obesity is dangerous and that should be expressed much more. 40% of Americans are obese. It’s scary.

      • Julie Bond Morgan says:

        I agree!

    • Shelley Hathaway says:

      Well said Murphy!!!

  4. Anna Marvel says:

    Jardiance “musical” commercial is ridiculous and I feel like I’m paying a fortune every year to take this drug because of cost of making commercials like this! It makes diabetics look like a joke. Bad idea on management that’s for sure.

    • Lou says:

      It’s a tacky cheap commercial. A huge cast wasting money, but no talent in this commercial. The airtime is what cost a fortune. But you are right about it driving up drug costs.

    • Osage says:

      I am not diabetic, but the reason many Type 2 diabetics not only because of there genetics but the treatment for diabetes: Insulin. While most people produce insulin, diabetics don’t produce enough. Insulin is instrumental in storing fat, making it a double edged sword. Although true diet and exercise extremely important, when a diabetic’s blood sugar drops, eating the wrong thing, a cookie or piece of candy makes their blood sugar go out of control, so it’s treated with insulin that causes fat storage.

      • Cg says:

        Ok.. you obviously do NOT know how insulin works, why diabetics use it, or anything about Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Please do not post things that aren’t actually true. And I AM a Tyoe 1 diabetic for 43 years. Insulin has NOTHING to do with “fat storage” it is actually a growth hormone. Eating something with sugar to counteract a low glucose level does NOT make everything go out of control. What a bunch of idiotic drivel you’ve posted here.
        The actual commercial we’re here to comment on is horrifying. It tries to make us think being overweight is ok- and that this medication will do many things for people with Type 2 diabetes. And putting this actress in “skinny” jeans, and pretending to “dance”, and that yellow bus of a dress?? Awful. And what “big story” dies the pill have?!?! Idiotic commercial.

    • Kathie Smith says:

      There also is no such thing as “A touch of Diabetes “. I have diabetes and know that it can be controlled with healthy eating and not just a medication. Do not like this commercial at all. It cost lots of money to control one’s Diabetes and I’m sure this commercial is one of many.

      • catgrrl says:

        I think she’s saying “I have type 2 diabetes” rather than “I have a touch of diabetes.” But the ad still sucks lol.

    • Maureen says:

      I think Pharma is throwing their money away with this commercial — jingle, choreography, etc. I don’t know any diabetic person who thinks their disease is something to sing and dance about. The manufacturer’s target is the person with the disease who is not the best person to decide which drug is best.

  5. Judy Nagorski says:

    I cannot speak to the product but as to the commercial I LOVE IT The actress singing lead has a wonderful voice that grabs your attention coupled with her enthusiastic performance makes you smile-personally I would only change the color of the second dress from yellow
    I came across this site trying to find the name of the talented actress and have been unable to do so.

    • Lou says:

      She is lipsyncing. She can’t sing or dance. She and most of the cast are obese and clumsy. The wardrobe is tacky and her hair is greasy and flat. The whole thing is like a bad amateur skit. The truly sad thing is how much airtime costs to run commercials. The quality you put into production of an ad reflects the quality you put into your products. This reflects poorly on the comoany and the medication.

      • Beth says:

        Agree 200%. I just saw this miserably terrible commercials and googled “terrible Jardience commercial “ and found this site and comments. It’s not a bit cute.

      • paulo says:

        You said it all!

      • Lyn says:

        Lol. You’re so wrong. Look her up. She’s extremely talented

      • Anna says:

        Deanna DellaCioppa Colón was a singer in Season 8 of America’s Got Talent.

      • Elaine says:

        She might be lip syncing, but to her own voice. She is indeed a singer and actress. She was on Season 8 of America’s Got Talent. She is a beautiful, skilled, and talented woman. All the vitriol about her weight is downright embarrassing.

      • Anthony Pinell says:

        She’s a professional singer a s songwriter. I do t know if she contributed to that son, but her singing ia on point. She is probably lip synching to.a studio recording of her voice.

      • Adelaide says:

        See her ; Deanna dellacioppa on americas got talent . Because she is fat you feel free to attack her on everything. .. wow

      • willie white says:

        Yes that’s it in a nutshell. Why is this even on TV?

      • Pat Kilgore says:

        She needs to loose weight, and wear clothes that fit All her fat hanging out is a lane our young people are going down. No make up, clothes too tight straight hair. No pride in how they look.

    • Riccardo says:

      Wonderful voice? She can carry a tune, and that’s about it. As I said before, if you watch her feet, she is barely moving, so she’s also not a dancer. She does have a lovely face, I’ll give her that!!!

    • Elizabeth Bird says:

      The commercial is among the most annoying of the pharma ads of which I detest every one. For me, I don’t care how great her voice is. If she is that great, then cut a few CDs and get out of the pharma ad business. All I can see is an obese lady and more obese middle-aged back up dancers with goofy expressions on their faces while singing the praises of a diabetes med. Think about it. There is something more than gross about this. Who is really benefitting the most? Big Pharma. The ad makes me sick.

      • Scott says:

        Thank you. Well said. This ad makes me want to hurt everyone in the commercial. Pure absurdity and tacky.

      • Anne Morgan says:

        I think she’s Beautiful; I love this commercial, mainly because of her. (Alot of crude, mean and just plain stupid people commenting here…really unbelievable.)

      • Katrina says:

        I agree. I turn this commercial off whenever it comes on.

    • Sandra D says:

      Her TikTok name is Deanabombchica. I don’t know her real name!

    • molly says:

      actually, this is her real voice. it’s really her.

    • carolsilva65 says:

      Hi Judy, her is the information you are looking for:
      Deanna DellaCioppa Colón was a singer in Season 8 of America’s Got Talent. She’s also an actress, songwriter & International Vocal Coach.

      • Thomas McDonnell says:

        She has a body for radio.

      • Helene says:

        I saw her America’s Got Talent performance on YouTube…it was in 2013, and she said then that she was 39, which makes her 49 now…I think she looks pretty damn good for 49 ! So all of you, leave her alone !

    • Bill Daniel says:

      This is the most sophomoric production of a TV spot that I’ve ever seen. It actual makes me sick if I don’t get to the remote fast enough to mute and pause. Some
      so-called Ad agency stole money from Eli Lilly.

      • Corlo says:

        I totally agree! Cannot stand it and mute and look away. The star comes out of a building and is immediately “dancing” in front of a fountain, supposedly in what looks to be a rehearsal; then she changes outfits and she and the dancers, not all of them, are in a totally different space, no more fountain. Drug commercials are generally stupid, but this one is the worst, hands down. And whoever is in charge of giving those drugs the marketing names should be fired. The names get more stupid with each passing year!

    • Anna says:

      The actress singing and dancing in the 2023 Jardiance “Musical” commercial is the American singer and vocal coach Deanna “Bomb Chica” DellaCioppa Colón.

    • Carl says:

      Seriously?? You must love Roseann.

    • Maärten says:

      You LOVE it? I swear, the taste in this country is at rock-bottom these days.

      • willie white says:

        True that. As bad as fat women dancing around in disposable underwear 100 lbs overweight.

    • Dan Heand says:

      It makes me want to vomit.

    • Kady63 says:

      Deanna Colón, I believe Ms Nagorski.

    • BAMurray2 says:

      Her name is Deanna DellaCioppa Colon. She was on America’s Got Talent, Season 8. She is beautiful and she can sing.

    • Mary Ann Phillips says:

      Her name is Deanna Colon.

  6. Gordon Campbell says:

    Obesity and Diabetes do not mix well . This Ad is sending a very bad message . Responsibility in advertising has evidently lost its way . Wrong message sent here Jardiance , do yourself a favor and ditch the ad ..

  7. M hair says:

    I hate this stupid commercial!!! Sucks so much. Please take it off.

  8. Marcie says:

    This commercial is so bad, it’s painful to watch. My guess is that it was um, inspired by the musical “Hairspray”. The lead character in the musical, Tracy Turnblad, is a spunky, plus-sized brunette woman who is a fabulous dancer in spite of carrying a few too many pounds (the woman in the commercial is not so fabulous, but then they didn’t give her a helluva lot to work with…just some clumsy dance moves based on the popular Sixties dance, The “Pony”). The song and staging in the tv spot is reminiscent of “Welcome to the Sixties” — a wonderful number in the musical, but not the least bit wonderful in the commercial. I love “Hairspray”, but this commercial is downright embarrassing. It’s an idea that was doomed to fail before
    they ever started filming.

    • Lou says:

      You’re right. When she dances its like a one cow stampede. Later they are blowdring her hair? They should wash it instead! Greasy flat mess.

      • Kevin says:

        ‘I detected diabetes but I handle it well’???
        The poor woman on this commercial is 100 lbs overweight! I actually feel sorry for her. Who put the poor girl up to doing this commercial??? She can’t sing and she can’t dance…now what???

    • I agree. I have to mute it

    • Wanda Slaughter says:

      Yeah,I see the inspiration but that’s as far as it goes. Hairspray was fun,the dancers and singers were really good at it and the girl that played Tracy Turnblad( Nikki Blonski,I think) was great! This is just bad.

    • Don Roden says:

      Was the music from “Hairspray” ? Where have I heard that before ?

  9. K2 says:

    Just saw this commercial for the first time. My first reaction was, how embarrassing. My second: If these people weren’t grossly overweight then they probably wouldn’t need Jardiance in the first place.

    • Mary Ann Clark says:

      Agree! The message it sends is don’t worry about your obesity and health risks- just pop a pill! It’s actually disgusting to watch,

  10. John W Tetlow says:

    The only thing I care about is who the singer is.

  11. Nick Nemec says:

    I like this commercial, It catches your attention, which is the purpose of a commercial. The lady is pretty and has a great smile.

    There is the obvious issue of heavily advertised medicine hyped by pharmaceutical companies. Healthcare providers I know try to avoid medications that are heavily advertised because there are usually cheaper alternatives.

  12. LV says:

    Well, I guess that’s your opinion. But that singer is so positive to me, I want to know who she is. Her celebrity grew to me. I think she’s great.

  13. Jean Harris says:—bomb-chica-

    She is talented in many things – take a look at all she has accomplished. I’m pretty sure this is her.

    The commercial is awful. But she is not

    • Lou says:

      Not at all talented and not accomplished. Needs to lose weight. Can’t dance or sing. Not impressed. Bad choreography and greasy flat hair.

      • Duke says:

        We get it. You don’t like or her hair. And she IS singing, but miming to her own backing track.

      • Marcie says:

        Lots of self-righteous comments here. As a formerly thin person who got diabetes later in life, I know it can happen even with the best of intentions and weight control.

      • Helen Barrett says:

        Horrible commercials appealing to patients who need weight loss and greasy hair

  14. JOHN MOORE says:

    Forget the fact that pharma is celebrating a big fat chick chick who maybe if she lost 150 lbs wouldn’t have diabetes, pharma says “keep eating way too much and washing it down with 3 Big Gulps a day. We would love to have you as a lifetime user of Jardiance”.

  15. Maggie says:

    This commercial is the absolute worst! I take Jardiance and it works great, but this commercial is awful. Please pull it and immediately so the rest of us don’t have to suffer “emotional” issues from having to watch it!

  16. Angela Lugar says:

    It makes me want to vomit! Jardiance makes my heart palpatate. I change the channel because I hate seeing her fat and camel toe. Disgusting 🫣

  17. Darby says:

    Hate this commercial. It’s like a Jardiance Schmigadoon🤦‍♀️

  18. Philip says:

    Pretty thoughtless commercial. The actress is obese one of the contributing factors to diabetes. So what is the message here to people exposed to your product. It’s okay to be disgustingly overweight. Just take our drug.

  19. kim says:

    i don’t think having a very obese person celebrating a drug for diabetes when if she lost 100 she might not need it disgusting commercial and misleading

  20. Wanda schmoll says:

    I totally get why she has diabetes. Lose some weight it may help . My mom and grandmother had diabetes,that is why I keep my weight down and eat right.

  21. Roy says:

    A very poor example for women. A morbidly obese woman dancing around with the praises of Jardiance. The commercial infers why lose weight to help control your diabetes when you have Jardiance. It also infers that other health conditions such as heart, vascular, and respiratory conditions shouldn’t matter to a woman as long as you buy Jardiance.
    An awful commercial that misleads and insults women. Take it off the air.

  22. Anthony Verhagen says:

    What a stupid commercial. An overweight women sing about Jardiance. The reason why she has Diabetes is because she’s overweight and Jardiance says you could lose weight …. Yeah right

  23. marc alan reichbart says:

    Apparently you know nothing about pipes.
    And she’s got them!
    I like it as a viewer.
    I luv it as a music luver.
    She’s got great pitch.
    And i extol the producer’s acumen.

  24. Linda Peck says:

    Obviously, whoever wrote the words to that ridiculous song has no idea about diabetes. The first sentence has the girl singing, “I have a TOUCH of diabetes…” INSANE! Anybody knows you either have it or don’t. You cannot have a TOUCH. Go back to your keyboard and check the facts.

  25. Cynthia Petrosino says:

    Side effects, lose eye sight? Lose blah blah? Dangerous to take this medication! And, very annoying!

  26. Valerie says:

    I cannot stomach watching this commercial and decided to Google my opinion….BAM….I’m so glad I’m not the only person that feels this way!!!

  27. DB says:

    It’s simple,when a marketing company can’t
    Think of anything constructive they have
    Everyone dance.

    A lady who weighs over 300 pounds isn’t
    Managing her diabetes.

  28. Diane says:

    Just a horrific commercial…just horrible!!

  29. America says:

    Stop bashing the actress in the commercial. She got paid and is the singer. Some of you wish you had her talent. She’s just doing a job. Blame the pharma company for making a diabetes musical….like diabetes is something to joke about.

  30. Susan Bevington says:

    Agree, this commercial sucks and for portraying a person with diabetes the actress is obese!

  31. Jane Doe says:

    The commercial is ok but the singer needs a redo She needs to lose weight and also have a reduction

  32. Diane Beebe says:

    This singer obviously does not have type 2 diabetes. She is fattest singer ever pretending to be diabetic. I have diabetes I am slightly over weight by about 13 pounds, am a background actress and professional singer working in NY AREA. I wud not use this drug if taking it made me stay fat! They shud have auditioned me.

    • Helene says:

      Diane Beebe, I don’t believe you are a professional in NY, because your spelling and grammar is ATROCIOUS ! You’d better go back to school, before you start insulting anyone else for ANYTHING !

  33. Dolores Bright says:

    The fact that they picked a morbidly obese person to represent their product is sending the wrong message!

    • Helene says:

      Dolores, the “message” is that if you have Diabetes, you must see a doctor and get treatment….many people do not see a doctor, and ignore their symptoms. If someone sees this Commercial and goes to a doctor for treatment, then the Commercial has done its job….GOOD MESSAGE !

  34. Dolores Bright says:

    The fact that they have a morbidly obese woman representing their product is sending the wrong message! That is ok to be obese and diabetic. It’s annoying too

  35. fopsrules says:

    Thank God for mute button on my remote

  36. Kathy Loree says:

    This commercial does not suck as it says above! I didn’t know who the singer is and wanted to say what a beautiful voice she has and how cute she is! The song is equally great and your singer is just beautiful and sounds the same! I love her!

    • meris98040 says:

      Kathy Loree, I’m so happy to read your comment. You’re obviously a person with critical thinking skills. After reading so many comments from people who think they know everything about everything and who have no self awareness, or compassion for others who are suffering (and we all are suffering about some issue in our lives) your comment was so admirable, and appreciated. I hope the world is good to you. M.

      • Maärten says:

        Compassion? It’s an incredibly cheesy commercial aimed at people with bottom-basement taste.

    • Shirley says:

      It is factually incorrect. You cannot have “a touch of diabetes.” Either you have it or you don’t. It is like saying you have “a touch of cancer.” Apparently your “critical thinking skills” are not advanced enough to see diabetes is not a fun and games event. I am a diabetic.

    • Donna says:

      Obviously you know nothing about the horrible Disease that diabetes is as it killed my husband

  37. whtefur says:

    Fat person singing about a drug that allows her to continue to overeat and stay fat.

  38. Anony Mous says:

    I cannot stand this ad or that ugly fat woman dancing. Better to get some self control and lose some damned weight. Losing weight has no side effects from nasty drugs.

    • willie white says:

      I’m with you. Just saw it on tv for the 10,000 time. About ready to throw the tv out the window but it’s not the tv’s fault.

  39. Rick Frank says:

    I think it is absolutely ridiculous to promote a pill to take care of a problem instead of taking care of the root cause. Weight. So this commercial tells me it’s ok to be overweight and not to be considered about loosing weight because we have this pill now to take care of diabetes…. Bull crap…. Quit promoting being fat!!! It’s the root cause!!!!

  40. Rod Brown says:

    Why do u have this heavy set women in the jardiabce commercial and all these dancers to tell people about a drug

    • Kathy Schedler says:

      Being overweight is a major problem with diabetes , which jardiance assists with. I think it’s a positive message to promote active living to overweight persons. They need to see persons like themselves being active

  41. Kathy Schedler says:

    Wow…there some majorly critical people out there. This commercial is no worse than any other pharmaceutical commercials. There are many other commercials worse than this. It’s not offensive and will be changed out quick enough anyway. I say save your criticism for truly offensive commercials that promote racism, sexism, or treat people like really stupid sheep (like commercials that feed on fear to promote products)

  42. George A Oakley says:

    I am a male with type 2 diabetes.Do not believe any medicine commercials because they don’t use real patients,only actors.This farce of a commercial with an overweight actress and a fake mailman shows how far drug companies will go.When the drug companies use real patients then they can be believed.In closing,if you want to get the truth,talk to your doctor who probably knows more than the drug companies who are in it only for the money.

  43. William C Wilson says:

    They (Jardiance) has always had shit commercials. There is a second one out now with the same “star”.

  44. Amy says:

    These are so stupid if you can’t find actors just forget it

  45. I agree. I have to mute it

  46. Candace says:

    This is the most sickening commercial I’ve ever seen!! At first I thought it was something from SNL. But no it’s for real oh my God it’s awful just so sugary sweet it makes you want to cringe. The lead woman is over the top it’s all over the top ! Every time it comes on I get a nauseous feeling thinking that they’re serious about this corny garbage they should be ashamed!!! So BAD. Please take it off the air I can’t take it anymore

  47. Anthony J Verhagen says:

    This is the DUMBEST commercial of all time. An OVERWEIGHT women is dancing around sing the vertues of Jardiance and that you can lose weight .. Really that why show an overweight women … that screams that jardiance doesn’t work

  48. DIANE L OHANLON says:

    There’s no such thing as “a touch of diabetes” They need to stop running this commercial.

  49. Anita Gordon says:

    I agree. It’s a terrible commercial with a morbidly obese woman dancing. Kind of makes me want to vomit.

  50. Viscount ober says:

    God, this is the most ridiculous, absurd, and annoying commercial on TV. Why do we have to watch a grossly obese woman sing and dance to a stupid song. Arrrggh!

  51. Sue Schultz says:

    Why such an extreme commercial? You could probably reduce the cost if you did a regular commercial without all the music and dancing. Drug are too expensive for a lot of people.

  52. kim says:

    should be removed or banned she’s singing barely moving and for diabetes and proud to have it it’s misleading and she’s a beast

  53. Carol says:

    Needing jardiance is nothing to sing about. This woman needs to change her diet and lose weight. A pill doesn’t fix that

  54. Robert Have says:

    Fat shaming of people suffering from diabetes at its very worst! So, you purposefully select an overweight woman to dance and sing about her medication. The message you are sending is that fat people deserve and are delighted to have diabetes. You should be ashamed for allowing this advertisement to air.

  55. Georgina Smith says:

    Get rid of the tub of lard, it is not pleasant to watch. Fat flopping all around… eluck

    • Flip says:

      You must be beautiful and perfect to be so critical of others. Good for you! But you are not very nice.

      • Beverly M says:

        Don’t take so personal. The comments relate to how Jardiance presents the product for diabetes. How many people, of any size, do you see dancing in the cities after taking any type of medicine?? Come on!

  56. NYTN says:

    Damn you actually wrote an article hating on a commercial?

  57. Kenneth Atterholt says:

    I agree, this commercial does not give one a healthy image of what this drug should do for you. Its goofy, including the dance with the postman….

  58. Kevin Richards says:

    Need to get rid of that horrible commercial

  59. Carol Kehrley says:

    Why put that heavy lady in that horrendous, ugly yellow dress with big red flowers? It adds 50 pounds and looks like a tent!
    What were they thinking? So many of us agree that they certainly could have chosen a more flattering outfit. Terrible!!!

  60. Jane doe says:

    The commercial is fine but difficult to watch Main person needs to either wear a different bra or lose weight

  61. Ralf Meinzer says:

    If the fat woman in the Jardiance commercial would lose 200 lbs., her health would improve. I’m embarrassed for her, obese people should not “try” to dance. They look ridiculous!

    • meris98040 says:

      So, if I’m understanding you correctly, dancing and other activities that are enjoyable, or required for a job / income, or just make life happy and bearable are only meant for people who meet your criteria. Have you ever considered there may be something about you that others would find objectionable? Maybe you’re not smart enough or handsome enough or tall enough or rich enough, etc. Does that mean you should just stop earning a living and enjoying the activities you love? I would say no. You have every right to do what you want, within the law, to live a life that makes you thankful to be alive. And I’d bet you’d be happier and more proud of yourself if you didn’t judge others who do the same. After all, if you don’t like how a person or people look, there are plenty of other things to look at besides them.

  62. Linda Moyer says:

    I think she’s fantastic in the commercial. Besides she’s a beautiful woman

    • Janet says:

      Agree. She is lovely. She is talented and went to Berklee on a full music scholarship. Very prestigious school. But no, I do not like the commercial itself or the jingle. Diabetes is so dangerous. I have two friends who died after leg amputations. I have another who is in a nursing facility today bc he has diabetes and recently had a leg amputated. Yes, I am a Boomer. So these tragedies have happened over time. 30-40 years. Big pharma knows that. Nothing to be flippant about. Even if a person controls it over a period of time, what happens later? Irresponsible commercial.

  63. Daniel Bernstein says:

    I would rather die of diabetes then take
    This product. This morbidly obese woman is managing her diabetes ?
    I guess that is how well the product works. Many commercials do dancing
    When they can’t think of anything else.

  64. Sam B says:

    Come on, nothing about this commercial is right. Having an obese, overweight woman, smiling and dancing about taking a drug for diabetes, as though it’s a cure all, is just not right. The drug company should be ashamed of themselves. Being that overweight like the woman in the commercial, is probably why she has diabetes in the first place. Being obese and diabetic is no joke! It’s a serious medical issue, and should be treated that way! I don’t get people today, acting like there’s nothing wrong with being obese, because there is! Obesity and being overweight is very unhealthy, and harms you physically, causing all kinds of health problems. We have a problem of obesity in this country, and it’s not good for any of us! So stop pretending like there’s nothing wrong with it, because there is! And like it or not, being fat and overweight is not attractive, no matter how woke you try to be, and pretend like everyone is beautiful, because they are not! You just look better when you’re not overweight, and that’s the truth! You also feel better physically too! People need to stop living in fantasy world, and get back to reality and truth!

  65. MARSHA says:

    THE fact that a commercial costs so so much money???And I am sure this one cost tons?? Give people that need the medicine…for FREE..PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT SPEND ALL OF THAT MONEY ON THAT REALLY STUPID SILLY WASTE OF MONEY COMMERCIAL….JUST USE SOME COMMON SENSE…..PLEASE….

  66. Phyllis MacGowen says:

    The commercial definitely sucks. Who wants to see a fat woman dancing, celebrating a drug! It’s really disgusting.

  67. Walt Inabinet says:

    The whale sings “I have diabetes but I’m managing it well.” Want to truly manage it well? Lose a hundred or so pounds! Sheesh.

  68. Chris carlson says:

    Not good. Embarrassed for her. Cheesy.

  69. Jeanne says:

    I Googled this commercial because I was impressed with the singer. It did not suck to me.

  70. Beverly M says:

    Really, If people with diabetes take Jardiance…everyone will feel like dancing. This is ridiculous. Reduce this commercial and cost…then the cost of pharmaceuticals can be reduced.
    I can’t stand this commercial and/or any other Exaggerated commercials.
    Beverly M

  71. Barb says:

    Never hit the mute button faster or more consistently than with this awful ad. Everything is wrong with it, the set, the cast, the silly show tune, the fact that it’s a serious prescription drug for diabetes being sold like candy to the masses. It’s an abomination! Stop it!!

  72. patricia sterling says:

    It’s annoying!!!

  73. Daniel says:

    Slightly less cringe-worthy than the man-on-the-street (Jordan Murphy) Jardiance commercials in which he, along with his film crew, ambushed perfect strangers on the hunch they might have type 2 diabetes.

  74. Stanley J GODLEWSKI says:

    This drug commercial has made a abnormal condition as normal!
    Common sense is not very common!

  75. L Corrigan says:

    I am not a diabetic or obese so I don’t know anything about the drug. However, if I was a diabetic AND DEFINITELY IF I WAS AS BIG AS THAT SINGER, I would be taking Ozempic or Monjouro instead. That woman sure doesn’t inspire me to take that drug.

  76. EC says:

    I hate this and 99% of all pharmaceutical commercials. They, along with a majority of commercials insult your morals or your intelligence. They’re insulting, ignorant, and/or woke. This Jardiance ad with this huge woman shaking all over the place is not a good idea. She looks like she needs the drug but not using it.

  77. Layna Taylor says:

    Having a morbidly obese woman sing the praises of a diabetes drug (the lyrics are corny and awful, besides) sends the wrong message. She actually manages to look fatter over the course of the commercial with that awful dress. For many other types of drugs, the casting would not be an issue. Here, it is.

  78. Denise K Brannan says:

    I despise the new jardiance commercial!!!!

  79. Cat says:

    I cannot stand this commercial! The set up is ridiculous and the jingle is annoying AF and so is the performer!! Please make it stop!!

  80. Eileen says:

    Can everyone not see that while she is dancing around you can see her fat belly hanging out over her pants. This is gross. At least get her a pair of pants that fit and she can button up and tuck in that belly.

    • Molly says:

      I’m glad someone else noticed the tummy hanging out. Did no one from the company or the ad agency notice it before the ad was launched? I found it the most offensive part of the ad.
      Consider this. The people who created the ad may have failed in many ways, but in the advertising world, this ad achieved the number one objective of any advertising campaign: Love it or hate it, it’s causing people to pay big attention to the product.

  81. Susan says:

    I don’t want to see this obese slob flailing her arms around and barely able to lift her legs pretending that she’s not totally winded when the cameras stopped rolling. PULL THIS AD, IT’S AWFUL!!!!

  82. Susan says:

    I don’t want to see this obese slob flailing her arms around and barely able to lift her legs pretending that she’s not totally winded when the cameras stopped rolling. PULL THIS AD, IT’S AWFUL!!!!
    Ironically my comment won’t post, more CENSORSHIP!

    • Carole Jasmine says:

      The reason people get type 2 diabetes, is from being overweight and not active. Overeating Bottom line

      I have been a type 1 diabetic for 54 years watching everything I put in my mouth and
      Exercise daily.

      Dieting and control is not easy,!

      I wish there was a pill for type one diabetes, and I’d be dancing also.

      Pharmaceutical companies are horrible.

  83. Teresa Wallace says:

    I think that that commercial is putting a very unhealthy person put there, and condoning it. Horrible!!!

  84. Kim says:

    I agree this commercial sucks . Looking to the sky as she says Jardiance? Seriously? Very sad pharmaceutical companies use people over weight and looking very un healthy to sell their drugs . Very tasteless.

  85. Vincent Spataro says:

    The warning mentioned cardiovascular risks I think obesity is dangerous too ,I think they should get a person who looks healthy to do their commercials

  86. Caryl Traugott says:

    Using this model is a travesty. Diabetics should
    Be encouraged to lose weight, not having an obese
    female bounce around trying to sell Jardiance is

  87. Greg Baldwin says:

    I feel commercials should be representative of the product. An overly obese female singer/dancer is repulsive and detracts from the purpose of the product. Even though talented and has won singing/acting awards it’s no excuse for pushing her on us in a long commercial for a pharmasudical no less, and that segues into another peeve – too many drug commercials!!

  88. Laurie says:

    It’s a tie!!!!
    Worst commercial currently playing.
    Pepto bismol
    Really hard to pick which one is more disgusting

  89. Shannon Rakestraw says:

    Jardiance commercial is the worst ever!

  90. Tammy Liles says:

    I agree. This makes me sick to see it on TV. Don’t promote obesity., That’s a serious health problem and they try to make it look glamorous.

  91. William says:

    I’ll be dead-on blunt. If the actress does have high A1C, it might be beneficial to promote losing weight to help prevent it. This girl is easily pushing 100 lb overweight. If she got serious and lost the excess baggage, she might not even need the product at all. Obesity is epidemic in this country and is involved in many serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and a contributing factor to other ailments such as arthritis. Obesity is not attractive in any manner.

  92. Nancy Kelly says:

    This woman is a terrible spokes person for diabetics. She’s fat. She is not “doing well” on her medication.

  93. Jeanine says:

    Type II diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise. So why have a large size woman sing and dance around the fact she’s obviously not taking medical advice.

  94. Judi Grienauer says:

    This commercial sucks! Why use a grossly fat woman in a commercial to advocate Jardiance?

  95. JoAnn Wilabay says:

    This is one of the best made commercials. You are so wrong about it. It has integrated large people in a very respectful way. And the actress does a very effective job in the commercial. Thumbs up.

  96. Lee says:

    This ad is painful to watch and excruciatingly long. MAKE IT STOP.

  97. Patricia Danilchuk says:

    It is terrible that they use morbidly obese people to sell a product that is supposed to help you with your diabetes 2. There are plenty of normal actors out there that could probably use the money more than she could see if she spends it all on food.

  98. Fat Patrol says:

    ” I eat donuts and pizza and I’m fat as hell so I’m taking jardiance with a huge story to tell. 🎶🎶🎶. All the comments are genius. Putting some slob in tight clothes that show a disgusting human body. Shame to jardiance. That bitch is fat and ugly, I don’t give a fuck about her voice. Classic comments about fat type 2 shameful diabetes.

  99. Santa clause says:

    I like the commercial.

  100. Ann says:

    I wish these companies would stop trying to normalize obesity. I work with seniors, my clients are mostly in their 80’s. How many obese clients do I have? Almost none, they are all dead by the time they need my product.

  101. Josie Pussycat says:

    I hate this commercial! All I can think the entire time it’s on is, “Why don’t you lose some weight? You might not have diabetes anymore!” Who wants to see a fat cow in ugly clothes dancing? NO ONE.

  102. Sally Feser says:

    I agree that this commercial showing an overweight woman promoting Jardiance is not promoting healthy people but people needing help with weightl loss to lower A1C. That woman has opened up her self to criticism. Poor thing. What was she thinking? Fat is not healthy!

  103. Sherree says:

    Why is everyone in the Jardiance commercial shown to be overweight, some obese even? I turn it off every time I see it.

  104. Susan says:

    Diabetes is a problem if you are overweight. Why would you do a commercial with an overweight individual. You should be encouraging weight loss ‘

  105. James Twiggs says:

    Talented singing voice.

  106. Rita Oxendine says:

    This is the dumbest commercial I have ever seen. It is silly. They make it sound like diabetes is wonderful , well it is not. BMAKE ANOTHER COMMERCIAL!!!!!!!!

  107. SHERMAN E RAINES says:

    They paid the Ziegfield Follies a whole lot of money to do this commercial then they charge an exorbitant amount of money for a 30 day prescription .

  108. Evon says:

    I mute this and avert my eyes until it’s over. Singing happily about a drug that can potentially harm your taint; I just don’t get it.

  109. Chris says:

    Instead of that awful yellow dress (she looks like a giant lemon) they should have put her in exercise clothes and emphasized more using the drug in conjunction with exercise and diet. Not just that quick snippet mentioning diet and exercise.

  110. Lynette Baber says:

    I love musicals and dancing and would truly love to be another Jadiance Lady:-) ps…I sing and dance also😘

  111. TGrigg says:

    The main female in the commercial is way too large for this part. Get a smaller/thinner person.

    • Jack says:

      Wow! Most of you need much more than medicine can ever supply! Such hateful, small, nasty people. Oh, if any of you could have the talent and career of this beautiful woman. PLEASE… try to get a life. I imagine your poor families are victims of your hateful energy. How incredibly sad.
      You GO… beautiful Jardiance Woman!
      You bring nothing but JOY!!!!

      • jack martin says:

        And I am a skinny boy. How dare you all sit there in your couches and call her obese! YOU get up and do that dance… or even move from your criticizing couches. You are just ANGRY… that your lives… are…. NOTHING???

      • Shirley says:

        It is not her weight I have a problem with. It is the “touch of diabetes” statement. Either you have diabetes or you don’t. You cannot have a touch of cancer, and you cannot have a touch of diabetes. I am a diabetic.

  112. catgrrl says:

    Yep, that commercial is just cringey. OK, if you’re not going to do anything about it, I suppose making peace with your morbid obesity is a legit life choice, but why’d they pick *her* to dance in front of the less bloated dancers? And why did they give *her* a fancy-ass dress while everybody else is in their crummy shorts and Hawaiian shirts? There’s something going on behind the scenes here that should be investigated. A little hanky panky on the casting couch, maybe?

  113. mike says:

    who would like to bet that her A1C is at least 9 and maybe higher?

  114. Catherine Hopkins says:

    Outrageous fat ad. Stop it. She is a heart attach waiting to happen. I change channels everytime I see this fat ass on Tv.

  115. Donna Suthard says:

    This woman has to be an actress – NOT an actual patient
    Drives me crazy. I flip to another channel when it starts

  116. Toni says:

    I think these diabetes commercials always seem to show overweight people who don’t sing about changing their habits but let you think all they have to do is take a little pill. It’s dangerous. My husband is a diabetic. He is disciplined, works out and is slim. He was recently taken off diabetic medication because of his healthy diet and exercise. He hates this commercial.

  117. Kathleen Sponsler says:

    Who wants to see all the buldges dancing around & then dress her up in a yellow clown suit of a dress proud to be fat???? Get a grip !!!!

    • PWT says:

      The first time I saw this commercial I thought, ” I’ve seen better choreographed elementary and middle school performances.” It’s just so silly and cheesy! I wondered why the main ” star” was an overweight person. What message is this product trying to convey?
      That having diabetes and being overweight is something to laugh, dance, and celebrate? I just dont get it.
      I’m not going to make fun of the lead singer and “dancer”, I’m just making fun of the whole ridiculous commercial.
      Couldn’t they find a more talented or capable choreographer? Surely they have the money to do so.

  118. Henrietta Thompson says:

    Why do you think that watching a fat woman dance will make me want to buy your product?

  119. Trina says:

    I personally think she did a great job!! Just because she is overweight doesn’t mean a thing!! She is very beautiful!! You nit pickers should not be making your negative comments!

    • Delores del Culo says:

      We’re doing the manufacturer a favor! If we don’t make these so-called “negative comments,” the manufacturer will never know how much we hate being bombarded with their idiotic, annoying commercials. Trina, I’m overweight too (and odds are, you are as well), but I know better than to think people are going to want to watch me shake my blubber on TV four times per hour all day and evening long!

  120. Jo says:

    This woman is grossly obese in this commercial, going against all doctor recommendations to lose weight. Diabetics don’t need a fat woman parading and singing about a medication. This is not encouraging at all. What are they promoting ?

    • M Betts says:

      Advertisers – Why do you have actors singing and dancing in every ad for every product? This one take the cake and it appears they ate the cake too. As a diabetic who is concerned with my weight, this ad misses the mark. It does say in the begining diet adn exercise will help control diabetes. I use Jardiance with good results… What a shame you promote you medicne this way. Does no one in you ad dept review this crap? Thank heaven for the remote to change the channel.

      • Cindy says:

        What a mean comment making fun of someone’s weight. Did someone piss in your cheerios?

  121. Amy says:

    I agree. So sick of it. Why are these commercial ads run all the time. Didn’t realize how bad it is until I retired. Ready to cancel TV and steam.

  122. Cindy says:

    What a stupid post.

  123. Lindatoupal says:

    The Jardiance commercial is the WORST commercial. Also it seems like it is constantly on TV

  124. M.Commander says:

    I’m literally embarrassed for her on this commercial. It’s bad enough that FDA allows to pimp our prescription medication on tv commercials but to make light of a disease that is killing people everyday is insane. Anthony Anderson commercial has the right idea

  125. L. C. says:

    Get rid of this commercial and stop celebrating a serious disease with potentially deadly outcomes!!
    Perhaps you should show the effects of diabetes such as amputation, heart disease, blindness & kidney disease & kidney failure.

  126. Earl Ford says:

    Who’s the woman in the ad?

  127. Gregory silvazadeh says:

    I agree this commercial is a hot mess

  128. Dianna Evans says:

    I could care less what she looks like or the catchy little jingle or the background and dancers.
    I think it’s ridiculous to advertise anything a consumer can’t buy OTC!
    If I have to tell my doctor that I need Jardiance, then I’ve got a pretty bad doctor.
    If big pharma didn’t spend so much on advertising, the medications wouldn’t be so expensive!

  129. Bob says:

    The obese woman in the Jardiance commercial should be ashamed of herself. Being that fat and trying to dance makes her look embarrassing! Yeah, this commercial is going to make me buy this product. Lose some weight fat ass and your health will improve!

  130. Terry says:

    I am Type 2 diabetic. I have a problem with her size and the little pill. I think it’s in poor taste to show such an obese person representing this medication.

  131. Karie says:

    We are living in a day and age where the focus of advertising is to show acceptance of people of all sizes. Yes, we should not judge a person based on their weight. However, obesity is a health issue, not a character flaw. To glamorize obesity is sending the message that it’s okay to be grossly overweight, no matter what it’s doing to your major organs- heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, as well as joint issues from carrying the extra weight. I would never make fun (fat shame) anyone, but I also don’t want to be forced or expected to accept commercials that glamorize obesity. Every person that says they’ve tried dieting and exercise and still couldn’t lose weight is not being truthful about their regimen. Obesity doesn’t happen for no reason. And I’m not talking about those who are on medications that can slow down metabolism and cause bloating. I’m talking about those who make a conscious choice of the quantity and type of food they eat with little exercise. I’ve been that person during a stressful period in my life. Watching TV with a huge plate of nachos AFTER I had dinner. Eating for taste, even though I was full. I would reward myself for dieting by adding unnecessary calories. It adds up. My choices lead to obesity and nothing or no one else to blame. It’s personal accountability. And I know my family wants me around as long as possible. It would be selfish of me to think only of my misperceived right to eat the way I wanted. I opened my eyes and got back on track of making better choices and breaking the viscious cycle of fat and carb overload. Again, personal accountability. These commercials can do a better job of sending a better message about lifestyle choices instead of advertising a pill that comes to the rescue after the conscious damage has been done.

  132. Evan says:

    Attempting to glamorize obesity and inflammation to sell drugs? This is not attractive nor healthy! Shameful!

  133. Marla says:

    I hate this commercial. The lady looks like a fat cow stepping and clomping around, since she’s too fat to dance, and she’s way too happy. Lady, you’ve got Type 2 diabetes. That’s nothing to celebrate.

  134. Roy says:

    Again women are disregarded for the benefit of big pharma. This morbidly obese woman dancing and saying all she has to do is take Jardiance for her diabetes and she can stay tremendously obese( for her health, of course). Women being looked down on, and being misled.
    Somebody has to put a stop to this crap.

  135. Chris says:

    They should stress diet and exercise more than a quick flash during the commercial. Also get someone to represent the product who isn’t morbidly obese.

  136. Michael Hundhausen says:

    The jardiance commercial is absurd, i guess the amorphous blob of lard dancing has never considered losing weight as a way to get her diabetes under control.
    How you gonna Act. ❗️?

  137. Marty says:

    Stupid commercial! Why is anyone dancing around about a diabetes??

  138. James Ball says:

    Why does a diabetic product feature fat people.?

  139. Paula Templin says:

    Awful commercial!

  140. John on Grayeski says:

    I agree with that comment about the most recent Jardiance commercial. It does suck. That fat actress is so repulsive. How do you expect to promote your product by using such a person?

  141. Diane P. says:

    I have to mute this constantly
    I now change to another channel when it comes off. It is losing patrons for the station that plays this constantly.

  142. Luluj says:

    Totally cringeworthy! This woman needs to lose about 100 pounds, then she’d bring her A1C down!

  143. says:

    Agreed the commercial looks like a bad high school play

  144. William L Kynett says:

    This commercial is horrible. She can barely move! She isn’t even really dancing. She stays in one place and basically chair dances. Really bad commercial.

  145. Valerie Lockett says:

    I hate this stupid commercial! Weight Watchers would be more appropriate. I change the channel as soon as it comes on!!!

  146. Festy says:

    This commercial was stuck in my head, so I finally had to understand the lyrics to get it out of my brain. I may have misunderstood some words but I think I got it mostly correct:

    I’ve got type 2 diabetes, I don’t manage it well
    So I found a little pill with a hopeful story to tell

    I take once daily Jardiance
    Then I CHOW DOWN!

    As time went on, it was easy to see
    It started burning whenever I’d peeeeeee

    It’s the little pill with a BIG FAT lie to tellllllll!

    • Festy says:

      And don’t forget the side effect disclaimer:

      Note: Jardiance works 24/7 in your body to try to deal with all the crap you are shoving down your pie hole. For adults with type 2 diabetes and know heart disease, Jardiance can delay death from a heart attack. Jardiance may cause serious side effects like ketoacidosis, turning your kindeys into two prunes, genital yeast and UTI’s that will make you piss streams of bloody fire, or an infection that will slice through your taint like a hot knife through butter. If any of these symptoms occur, stop pretending a little pill can solve obesity, and go see a competent therapist then put together a plan of diet and exercise to begin losing weight and getting mentally and physically healthy!

  147. Barbara M. Storm says:

    This is honestly the worst commercial I have ever seen. That woman is just horrible and no one wants to see her preening and acting so full of herself. PLEASE TAKE IT OFF THE AIR.

  148. Becky Neuhauser says:

    It’s a catchy commercial. I’m not diabetic but I seem to stop and watch it every time it plays.

  149. Lori W says:

    Featuring an obese woman in an ad about a medication for diabetes. SERIOUSLY??? As a physician are kidding ???

  150. Paul says:


  151. Nubbie says:

    His home they have to have an overweight, fat spokesperson. You are supposed to eat right and stay healthy with diabetes. Hate watching that person dancing. Yuck.. x

  152. Linda Warren says:

    I throughly enjoy the commercial and look forward to seeing it over and over. Her voice is beautiful and she is a joy to watch dancing. Makes me smile. It’s refreshing to see someone in a commercial that looks more like the average woman.

  153. David J Mungenast says:

    Couldn’t agree more!!!!

  154. Karen says:

    Please please please take this commercial down & come up with something better! The singing & dancing is so annoying, I mute it until it’s over!

    • Shelley Hathaway says:

      I mute it too! Jardiance is not a magic pill. One has to eat low-carb& lose weight to lower their A1C!

  155. Deb says:

    Their commercial blows, and not in a good way😡🥵🤯

  156. David J says:

    She would not have diabetes if she lost 100 lbs. this is a horrible commercial celebrating overweight folks which is the min cause of diabetes. Wake up you woke people.

  157. Timothy walker says:

    This commercial is an insult to us that have type 2 to sing and dance and smile like it’s a dam Broadway musical really makes me angry, so much that I change the channel so I don’t have to watch. Take it off!

  158. Stella says:

    The most annoying commercial of all. I turn off the TV as quickly as I can to cut her off

  159. Lisa Bierre says:

    I love this commercial! That they used a normal- sized person to represent diabetics instead of a skinny minnie – thank you! And I love her little dance!

    • James says:

      Hate to burst your bubble, but in no way could that singer be called normal-sized! Take off your rose colored glasses and stop deluding yourself, she is morbidly obese. Not trying to be mean, just stating the obvious.

    • Maärten says:

      Normal-sized? Are you in a family of sumo wrestlers?

  160. Cindy says:

    So annoying!!!! 🤢😡

  161. Florence Allen says:

    I Wish This Commercial Would Stop I Have Type 2 Diabetic I Don’t Think 🤔 This Is Funny At All I Had Grandmother Who Lost Both Of Her Legs She Was Diabetic And Had Family Member Who Went Blind She Was Diabetic, So Use This Money Instead Of Making A Commercial Use The Money For A Cure, This Woman Comes On Smiles And Dances Acts Like Diabetes Is Funny So Please Can you Remove This Commercial She Acts Like It’s So Fun Not A Happy About Diabetes And This Jardiance’s Commercial So , Let’s Not Forget The Baby’s And Children Who Also Who Have Diabetes Too

  162. Todd says:

    Those of you making rude comments about an attractive heavy woman are real asshats and obviously not confident like she is!! I find the commercial very entertaining. Had it been a 110# barbie doll figure im sure your comments would be the opposite! How disgusting it is to know people judge others like she is being judged. She’s obviously comfortable in her skin aand very confident with herself! She’s human!! Don’t be haters because you are insecure and ignorant!

    • Rick Delaney says:

      Well said.

    • James says:

      Nope. Sorry, this commercial would be annoying even if they had used an average sized spokesperson for their catchy little musical number. Its’ still misleading and deceptive, and makes light of a serious medical condition.

  163. Karen Anderson says:

    I cringe every time I see this commercial.
    Why would they have a woman that heavy encouraging people to just take this drug versus loosing weight which should be your first line of defense to help to bring your diabetes under control….

  164. Kaaren Akin says:

    The most annoying commercial! The woman is awful. I cringe when it comes on.(and mute the sound)

  165. Gregory Ellis says:

    That Fat Lady in the Jardiance Commercial is not only unauthentic but very annoying! I hate that Commercial & Thank God I don’t need that Drug!

  166. Lisa says:

    I have seen this commercial several times, and I find it. Very insulting! If you watch the commercial, most of the individuals are obese. Not everyone who has type two diabetes is obese! I feel that this is very discriminating, and should be taken down. And every night every time I watch it, it makes me angry. I am a type two diabetic and I do not appreciate the commercial at all. Nor because of this commercial, I will not go on this medication.

  167. M. Ellen says:

    Who’s idea was it for the Jardiance commercial?! I don’t get it…let’s wright a song about a drug then have a fat lady sing it with cutesey dance moves?! How much money was spent on this joke!

  168. Kim says:

    Horrible commercial grosses me out

  169. Joyce Mason says:

    In regard to the Jardiance commercial: It angers me to see a lady who is neglecting to do anything to help herself…such as lose 80 lbs, and is willing to become dependent on meds with side effects to “take care of her health.” Just plain stupid!

  170. MLE says:

    Personally, I despise this commercial – I get the message that if I would take Jardiance, I could look just like her. No thanks!


    Really awful. Definitely wouldn’t use it based on the ad using the fat dancing? lady.

  172. Dee says:

    Ppl are so rude n hurtful. I like the commercial cause it shows you don’t have to be a size 6 to love your self. I have never seen so many awful things like she fat, they put a curtain on her for dress, those kind of comments should not be allowed on there. Freedom of speech yes but this world is so cruel. Young lady keep your head up you are beautiful. Prayers

    • James says:

      You are advocating censorship because the views of the majority of people posting here do not align with yours. Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. Just because your opinion happens to be that “those kind of comments should not be allowed” doesn’t mean that the rest of us have to agree with you.

  173. James says:

    This commercial irritates the hell out of me on so many levels. The makers of Jardiance are being a bit disingenuous when they tout the drug as a means of lowering a1c levels. Clinical studies with Jardiance over a 24 week period show a decrease of a1c by only 0.7-0.8 percent! If all that you’re interested in is your a1c number then go donate blood, you can lower your a1c by as much as 12%. Next are the obese people in the commercial – the message seems to be that simply by taking one little pill that their diabetes will be magically kept in check. No real need for dieting or exercise, or to actually put forth any effort. Finally, let’s be real – fat people are more inclined to be diabetic. But if you advise them to lose weight by diet and exercise then you’re accused of “bodyshaming” them. “Bodyshaming” is a code word, just like “racist”, used to shut down someone from voicing their opinion or stating the obvious. Here’s a thought – remember the Lardache jeans vs. Jordace Enterprises parody? Let’s refer to this drug as “Lardiance” from now on, the little pill with a big fat story to tell…

  174. MattW says:

    The Jardiance commercial is close to a work of genius. First the performers & production values are first rate so It keeps your attention. Most importantly it is not targeted a diabetics, but at people who want to lose weight — a who new and much larger market.
    — M

  175. Jeri says:

    I enjoy the new commercial and the is upbeat instead of gloom and doom for diabetics. I know a few people that take it and it has helped them. It’s one commercial I always watch.

  176. Jeri says:

    God it’s 2023 and people are still fat shaming women…disgusting!! Live you own life ..if you have nothing nice to say be quiet…Be a decent human being.

    • James says:

      You are completely missing the point. The majority of those commenting on this commercial are not directly attacking the singer, just the poor choice of a clearly obese person to act as a spokesperson for the newest wonder drug to hit the market. The marketing firm for Jardiance hired Deanna DellaCioppa Colón and she was paid for her participation in this commercial. She CHOSE to put herself out there and cannot possibly expect all viewers of the commercial to be as ecstatic with her performance as you seem to be.

  177. Norm says:

    Agree! The commercial is terrible. I don’t see any relationship with diabetes and an obese woman dancing around. Gross!!!!

  178. Gary says:

    Maybe I’m wrong, but the lyrics I hear say “As time went on, it was easy to see
    It started raising my A 1 C”. Anyone with Diabetes knows that the goal is to lower A 1 C.

  179. Sandy Kleiman says:

    The lad in the Jardance commercial jeans are terrible and appears unzipped- terribly done

  180. Frank pisano Pisano says:

    Take this off

  181. Cabbie says:

    The commercial is 😞 awful. The obese woman needs to be removed. She is not inspiring for people. Put someone who is fit.

  182. Ruben Ubiles says:

    I like the commercial,it’s fun to watch and i like the oldie tune.

  183. William Volk says:

    As someone who was morbidly obese, lost well over 100lbs 26 years ago and work very hard to maintain that weight loss, this commercial is symptomatic of a real problem. Yes, we don’t need to shame the obese, but to sell them the false reassurance that they can be morbidly obese and still healthy, so companies can profit from it, is F-ING evil in my mind. Over 50% of America is diabetic or pre-diabetic which correlates very nicely with obesity. We have to tell the truth here and the truth is your health will be worsened if you have this issue.

  184. Christine kerr says:

    This is one of the most offensive commercials – singing / dancing terrible – this women can not act and everytime it is aired I switch channels

  185. Stella sanders says:

    The commercial is clearly a sad knock off version of a scene from Hairspray (John Waters). Wonder if he’s aware his musical was poached. It ticks me off every time I see it.

  186. Natasha says:

    This ad sucks!!!! Get rid of it

  187. Suzy says:

    It is a repulsive, over the top poorly done piece of trash. No one wants to see obese people in a commercial.

  188. Kim K Busman says:

    Get this commercial off the air

  189. Patricia says:

    Morbidly obese people on diabetes 2 commercials are beyond sickening. They do not show people that the fact they need to lose weight will also help to put them in remission. They glorify obesity. it is sickening

  190. Lisa says:

    The worst part of the whole thing is that she walks from person to person saying thank you, oh thank you, thank you. So the whole commercial is people on set complementing her performance for lip sinking and minimal dance skills.

  191. Derrick Paris says:

    As a diabetic for 30 years I find this commercial very offensive and don’t think the singer represents diabetics in a good light. She is obese and not to the point of just overweight. Not a fan of the musical theme and jardiance is a good medication and think this marketing is not helpful in the recognition.

  192. Elizabeth B Tate says:

    The music and the singer are very irritating to me. I mute the ad as fast as possible!!! Please get a new ad agency 🙏

    • Lindsue says:

      Me too. Can’t stand that commercial

      • Rita says:

        SAME HERE! I can’t stand that noise and that fat beluga bouncing around. Its disgusting…maybe if she lost a few she would be better off with her situation instead of looking for a miracle in a pill. TRY NOT EATING EVERYTHING IN SITE!! That is by FAR the MOST ANNOYING commercial ever. I get up out of my chair to turn it off immediately when i hear that crap.

  193. Lindsie says:

    Its very annoying sucks

  194. Concerned says:

    The obvious fact that the actress in this commercial who appears to be at least 150’lbs overweight is sending the wrong message by promoting this product without the commercial encouraging those afflicted with TYPE 2 diabetes to include a healthy diet and exercise. Many patients could possibly avoid taking any medication is their diet and weight were under control. Of course that would reduce the patient population and impact the pharma company’s bottom line.

  195. J. Leonetti says:

    She should be holding a Boston Cream donut in one hand and a bacon cheese burger in the other. As she dances she should take a bite out of each. My cousin died of diabetes..that is after he went blind and had his feet amputated. Overweight type two will kill you. This ad is a disgrace.

  196. Ccr says:

    Reclusive commetcial

  197. Joe says:

    This commercial makes me sick to my stomach. Nobody wants to turn on their television to see a dancing fat slob.

  198. Jen says:

    It’s a repulsive commercial. The fat woman looks like the Goodyear blimp got loose dancing around in stretch pants with this huge gut bouncing up and down like an extra appendage and fat swelling out of her arms,back and every other angle. Then shaking her butt side to side is the kiss of death! Next she comes out dressed in a yellow tent!!! How much more insulting could it get to diabetics who are trying to stay at a healthy weight? Then they see this disgusting Amazon dancing around like a beached whale glorifying obesity. No diabetic drug co should be insinuating that its great to be a fat pig. Just the opposite. They should be showing good examples of normal sized people who have gotten their diabetes under control by losing weight. It’s just counter productive obnoxious and sickening. Yuk!

  199. Margaret says:

    First off…the woman is way too fat to be taking Jardience…shouldn’t she be losing about 100 plus pounds first? No pill will flush out anything unless you’re helping too. Do you think we are stupid? No sugar will flush if you keep eating.

  200. Kelly Lane says:

    Stupid Commercial. There is no such thing as having ‘just a touch’ of Diabetes. You either have it, ( Type 1 or 2) or you don’t. While picking out a pretty dress with bright colors to dance in is was a poor choice to wear as the gal looked like she was auditioning to be the Circus Tent for Wringing Bros. Barnum & Bailey.

  201. Barbara Bodner says:

    This commercial ridiculous. Having Type 2 Diabetes is nothing to dance about. You have to change your lifestyle, constantly having to be aware of what you eat. And there are other health complications associated with T2D. Also, being a member of a T2D group so many have had horrible side effects… nothing to dance about. Also not every T2D is over weight and there are many over weight people who do not develop T2D.
    IMO… this commercial should be removed.

  202. Donna says:

    The Lady might have a. Nice voice but one of the number one important things to do is lose weight not portray it as fun yo be very over weight My husband died from dialysis from diabetes doctor was always on him to manage his weight You don’t need a model but it is truly disgusting to show a very overweight women as yeah what fun sing and dance. Grow up and learn your real patients

  203. Terri Arthur says:

    I love, love this commercial! It’s fun and upbeat. I also like that the singer looks like a normal woman and shows that you can still be sexy even if you aren’t a size 10.

    • James says:

      Normal? Sexy? You either need to have your vision checked or you’re out of touch with reality, utterly delusional. There’s nothing “normal” about a woman who clearly weighs well over 300 pounds proclaiming that simply taking one little pill each day is managing her diabetes well and lowering her a1c. LARDIANCE is a cheat, a lie, and according to clinical studies it only lowers a1c by 0.7-0.8%. In real terms that means weight loss of only @2.4 pounds for a 300 pound person after 24 weeks of use! According to Lilly’s own press release, “JARDIANCE is a prescription medicine used to lower blood sugar along with diet and exercise in adults with type 2 diabetes.” It doesn’t even mention its’ effect on a1C.

  204. Ted lipschitz says:

    It’s funny watching fat people dance

    • James says:

      I assume by “dance” you mean watching them shifting their ponderous weight from one hoof, I mean foot, to the other and flailing their arms around!

  205. Daniel Bernstein says:

    I hate this so much! I have Type 2 Diabetes and I would rather have leg amputated then take this product because of this commercial. Managing her Diabetes,she weighs over 300 pounds.

  206. Jean carroll says:

    This commercial is the most stupid thing they could have let air on TV. The over weight woman is making a laughing stock in the public eyes. No one wants to see a bunch of fat people shaking their body and especially the fat one dress in blue than ugly yellow outfit. Please get a better commercial to sell your product.

  207. Ida Jones says:

    This administration has majored in
    Controlling our minds, making us believe wrong is now right. Perfect display of fat, unhealthy people being who we emulate.

  208. S says:

    The woman is attractive, I can’t stand her singing, the song lyrics are really bad, the dancing is stupid, why does she change outfits?…There is soooooo much to dislike in this commercial. Jardiance can keep this cute woman but please get a new ad!

  209. Michael Cantey says:

    Why would big pharma cast an extremely overweight actress to sell this type of drug?

  210. Denise Oyler says:

    This commercial is the most stupid and disgusting EVER. I actually run to my remote to MUTE it.
    Didn’t even know the name of the medicine so had to look at the screen while MUTED to write this review.
    Need to ditch this awful ad and promote the drug any way but this.
    0 stars

  211. Robert Kuster says:

    Does the singer have diabetes?

  212. Kim Grage says:

    The commercial grosses me out

  213. Rick Delaney says:

    My God. What a bunch of mean spirited replies. Glad you’re all so perfect!

    • James says:

      This commercial has earned its’ fair share of “mean spirited” replies. It tells a very misleading story, utilizes an extremely obese spokesperson to promote the product, downplays the seriousness of diabetes and its’ side effects, and exaggerates the a1c lowering ability of Lardiance. No, we’re all not perfect, but many people find this commercial patently offensive and have every right to object to it. Most of the comments are not directly critical of the singer, other than to point out the extremely poor choice of using a 300-plus pound person to represent herself as a typical customer. Also, at no point in her catchy little musical number does she mention the critical necessity of diet and exercise! Why bother, when one pill can supposedly manage your a1c? I plan to file complaints about this deceptive and misleading ad with the FDA and the FTC.

      • Rick Delaney says:

        You’re right James. People have a right to complain. And I have a right to my opinion as well.
        Why don’t you take a Midol and try to relax.

      • James says:

        Thanks for the suggestion, Rick! Do you find that Midol gives you effective relief from your period symptoms? Here’s a thought – instead of worrying about me, why don’t you stick to the subject. Feel free to express your opinions, engage in serious debate if you will, but there’s no need to attempt to shut someone down if you don’t happen to agree with them. As the old saying goes, “Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.”

    • Jay says:

      Eat a RICK! Oops
      Misspelling. Eat a . Yeah

  214. Cary says:

    Deanna Colon is beautiful and talented. This is the only commercial I don’t fast-forward through.

  215. Kate says:

    The worst commercial ever!

  216. Shelly says:

    This commercial is fabulous! I love the singer! Her voice is awesome and her dancing and enthusiasm is great! I think she is beautiful!

  217. Jason Nordby says:

    This commercial is insulting. I change the channel every time. I fail to see the connection between filming a musical and managing diabetes. This is what is wrong with society—that this approach to marketing is vapid and uninformative, but it must work.

    Sorry, the actress looks smiley and friendly, but her eyes express something else. Don’t trust her.

  218. Puduntain says:

    I find this commercial very offensive. Diabetes is nothing to sing about. Very poor taste. It’s a shame what big pharma will do to sell pills. Needs pulled from the air waves.

  219. Paula says:

    Awful commercial!

  220. Ray marotta says:

    I am a family physician for forty years. Direct to consumer marketing is a disgrace. I will not prescribe jardiance because of it. There are other alternatives. The pharmaceutical companies should be ashamed. Ray Marotta MD

  221. Jackie Adams says:

    The Jardience commercial is perhaps the most obnoxious couple of minutes on TV today. Type 2 diabetes is not jolly happy people dancing around. It is just too silly to see an overweight girl dancing and singing about a disease!

  222. Lynn Olree says:

    This gigantic woman is really annoying. She looks ridiculous trying to move that huge body of hers to music.

  223. Robert lance says:

    I 100% agree I just went online to see if anyone felt the way I did and I’m glad to see they do they should not be parading around dancing with joy about being a diabetic I’m a diabetic and there’s nothing to dance about

  224. Eva says:

    Jardiance commercial funny seeing a heavy set fat women swinging her arms around smiling and singing with group of people mail man walking around her stumbling….doesn’t want me to buy that pill! I have type 2 diabetes….but what a waste of time and money. Not everyone with diabetes is fat! I’m 5’2″ 128 lbs…size 6.

  225. Diana L Deiley says:

    I think she’s very talented, BUT, did you notice she sticks her tongue out when she says the word ‘tell”? Drives me nuts.

  226. Lesley Edwards says:

    I click mute anytime it is on. Awful

  227. Joe says:

    The commercial stinks and should be banned
    She’s a cow and not appealing.

  228. Jim Noth says:

    This commercial and the very fat ugly actress is enough to make one destroy the TV.
    Are you people nuts?!
    Commercials are bad enough without this unwatchable garbage.
    Whoever did this crap should be fired TODAY!!!

  229. Mary Lacey says:

    The blue blimp on the Jardiance commercial is really bad. That woman makes others think that with taking Jardiance you can go on eating like a pig, just take the pill!

  230. marlainekirton says:

    This commercial is probably the one that drives me the craziest. The words to the song are pretty silly and the choreography is terrible. It looks like she’s trying to do a jumping jack in the opening scene but doesn’t know how they work. But the worst part is the woman herself: it’s not that she’s overweight, it’s that she is totally overacting. She is so far over the top it puts my teeth on edge.

  231. Novo says:

    Never understood the distinction between “obese” and “fat” until I watched the Jardiance commercial. But, “morbidly obese” is in a class by itself..

    • J. Leonetti says:

      What’s next big pharma? They might as well have Barney doing a psoriasis ad. Or better yet, a bloody Jesus on the cross pitching a hemophilia medicine. Or Putin doing a vodka commercial. The ad firms must think that Americans are mostly ignorant fools.
      Imagine some starving family in the war torn Sudan watching an obese lady singing and dancing while their children need drugs to fight off malaria and dengue. Shameful ad.

  232. Stefani Ogami says:

    As a nurse- this is a dumb commercial. You don’t have a touch of diabetes! You have it or not- it doesn’t go away. Looking at this actress- she doesn’t have it under control. Turning this into a musical was a poor choice. I hate it.

  233. J. Leonetti says:

    Big pharma should spend the money by sending malaria an dengue drugs to the war torn souls in Sudan.
    Anyway, I hear that the next pharma commercial will feature Hunter Biden doing a Narcan commercial.

  234. J. Leonetti says:

    I hear that her “tramp stamp” is Colonel Saunders.

  235. Marie says:

    I like the commercial she is very pretty and moves pretty good even my husband thinks she is pretty

  236. Marie says:

    I can’t believe all the horrible comments you should all be ashamed of yourselves. I’m heavy and wish I could move like that.

  237. Katy says:

    Please take this incredibly annoying commercial down. This dancing woman advertising medication makes me want to run out of the room!!!

  238. Ann says:

    The Jardiance ad Showa an obese person taking a pill which should have caused weight loss. It’s apparently not causing that singer to lose any weight.

  239. Why do they have to play the jardiance commercial so many times? It’s ridiculous.

  240. Angelo says:

    I hate this commercial. I change the channel not to see it or hear it.

  241. Diane says:

    How do we get this annoying commercial off the tv? It is on repeatedly offending the viewing audience.

  242. Heinz Dr. Cynthia says:

    Jardiance Commercial……
    She is talented, authentic and very good looking. BRAVO!!!! for Jardiance!
    A True “reality check”!!!!

  243. Helen says:

    She should be ashamed for promoting a drug she wouldn’t need if she exercised a little self control. That woman is morbidly obese.

  244. Linda E. Toomey says:

    Please take this super ANNOYING commercial off of the air!!!!! If the actress wasn’t so morbidly obese, she probably wouldn’t have diabetes!!!!

  245. Bob Fotoples says:

    I really hate the commercial. The actress is overweight and not at all attractive. Whomever thought this was a good idea must have worked for the same agency who thought Bud Light and having a trans spokesperson was a good idea. Perhaps looking at the optics and the obvious would’ve said, “Hmm, maybe not a good idea.” Use your head.

  246. Mik Reslef says:

    It is the worst commercial ever! To purport that this very overweight woman is managing her type ll diabetes “well” is creating a false narrative for people. You can not be that heavy and managing your disease! I don’t think this is setting the correct tone or example for people attempting to manage their diabetes.

  247. T. Bryan says:

    She is NOT morbidly obese!! Who are you to give her a label??

  248. Carol Kremer says:

    Any commercial that tries to normalize obesity is just wrong. Obesity is a health hazard and needs to be treated head on.

  249. derek welch says:

    Agree it’s an unsavory ad, but…
    As far as the “Star” of the ad I don’t believe ripping her apart for being a big gal is constructive. Birdy Mann I doubt she believes she looks skinny. This is an advertisement with actors. She is simply playing a role she was hired to portray. A large woman who can dance and sing is what was needed for it and she got the part. I applaud her for the willingness to put herself in front of a camera in a time when fatness isn’t considered attractive.
    I believe the agency that created this is attempting to simply show that just because one has diabetes and is overweight it doesn’t mean they have to be sad and inactive. Thanks to Jardiance you can be happy. Is this reality? Who can say?
    However, all this said, I find the ad silly and don’t enjoy it. I turn the volume down when it hits my screen.

  250. Randy says:


  251. Jennifer Morgan says:

    Why would you have an obese actress doing a diabetes commercial? The message says it’s okay to be huge with diabetes. Isn’t obesity lead to diabetes? She has a pretty face but all the focus is on her size.

  252. Elyse Paulus-Mount says:

    Don’t lose weight to control your diabetes. Just pop a little pill like the morbidly obese woman did in this commercial. Ridiculous message big Pharma. I’m a diabetic who lost weight to control my diabetes. I changed my lifestyle as well . This is the wrong message to send.

  253. Fat cow actress not helping your Jordiance oroduct

  254. Mary Ashmead says:

    I am a type I diabetic so I know Jardiance isn’t for me, thank goodness. My first thought upon seeing this commercial was that if this woman worked on losing 150 lbs she wouldn’t need Jardiance. Glorifying obesity in diabeticsthat might eat into their bottom line isn’t helpful. Maybe they should throw in something about weight loss and it’s benefits, but then I guess that would eat into their bottom line .

  255. Susan says:

    Get this woman some clothes to fit her! I’m a plus size, and make sure my clothes are NOT super tight! YESH! This makes her look worse! And that UGLY YELLOW DRESS!

  256. James Ansbro says:

    She is so fat she can’t do anything but wave her arms and shake ass.

  257. Josh WigglesArms says:

    I just have to leave a comment,
    Section of the video filmed from straight up above, where she dances and wiggles her arms, but all that appears to be happening is she’s just wiggling her arms cuz she’s so large… I literally feel embarrassed for her when I see those wiggle arm movements…

  258. Sue Sue says:

    Sticking her tongue out while singing is not pleasant to watch. Not cute.

  259. Alan S says:

    In order for the drug company to make money they need to sell their product; they can’t do that by promoting weight loss and diet. They can do it by normalizing major risk factors such as showing that being obese and diabetic is ok and manageable with their little blue miracle pill. An easy answer for some but very sad for us all, because the ultimate burden for drug and health care for these individuals will eventually fall on us all.

  260. Pam Fox says:

    As soon as the commercial comes on my husband and I mute it!!!! Very annoying !!!

  261. Ellie Hempel says:

    Whoever wrote the the lyrics to this commercial should have done some basic journalistic inquiries about T2D. As a surgical oncology nurse for 47 years , the non-educational “information” is numbing. Please research better before you write this crap. To paraphrase your writer, “just a touch of correct verbiage goes a long way.”

  262. Pamela J Chorbagian says:

    This commercial does indeed suck. It is soooo awful, like a bad car accident you are compelled to look at. I would be so horrifically embarrassed to be the main “dancer”. There can’t be that much money

  263. Liz Smio says:

    I hate this commercial. For starters, this gigantic fat pig sends the message that Fat slobs get diabetes, which is not always the case. I also figure this is the most exercise this fat pig has ever done.

  264. Charles says:

    It’s a disgusting, that tub of lard makes want to throw up
    The advertising company should be out of business as nd the ceo should in a small jail cell with tubby!!!

  265. Rosemary davis says:

    I think the commercial is cute. Did remind me of Hair Spray.

  266. Linda Salsman says:

    I love this commercial with Deanna Colon and Anthony Anderson!!

  267. R. D. says:

    This commercial is saying one can be overweight, to just take a drug and you will be fine. Awful commercial!! Why not show a slim healthy person to help people with diabetes?!!
    We mute the commercial and turn it off.

  268. Anne says:

    Are her pants unzipped in this commercial??

  269. Joan Crow says:

    Horrible – l mute TV at most all these big pharm ads. SAVE YOUR MONEY , REDUCE COST OF DRUGSJI

  270. Butt jack says:

    This commercial sucks. Fatass can’t dance or sing.

  271. Gloris says:

    Sickening. I change channels t it’s over.

  272. JoAnn Wilbur says:

    I’m overweight but can’t stand the woman in the Jardiance commercial. Not because she’s overweight but her expressions. Ugh

  273. Eliot says:

    When she waves her arms up and down, it reminds me of the robot on Lost in Space saying “Warning, Warning”.

  274. Charlie says:

    What a horrible commercial. A fat lady with an attitude dancing in the streets. Why? Can the product be advertised without so much drama and dance? Horrible. Crappy commercials is the reason I don’t buy or use the product. Being back the normal ‘70s and ‘80s style commercials.

  275. Roma Hundley says:

    Jardiance. Quit embarrassing yourself with this commercial. It reminds me of a bad High School play.

  276. Leslie says:

    Instead of using grotesquely obese people in diabetes commercials how about telling them to lose 100 pounds so they wouldnt get disbetes to begin with. This country is overrun with lazy fat asses with no self respect

  277. Lyla DeVita says:

    Indulging the overweight, no excuses accepted, is criminal. Diabetes ran in our family but all worked to keep their weight in check with exercise, medication, and the right foods.Jardiance has set the bar so low with this commercial it’s shocking. Thankfully, with my remote the disgusting commercial is gone!

  278. judy says:

    how can they justify putting an obese woman in that commercial
    disgusting not best representation of brand

  279. Nancy simbari says:

    Yes, this commercial SUCKS! Not all people with type 2 diabetes are overweight, and the ridiculous glorification of this drug is disgusting and degrading. The dancing and singing are deplorable!

  280. Jimmy Morris says:

    Jardiance should be ashamed of this commerical. Diabetes is not a song and dance number … it’s a daily uphill battle. Thank God for the DVR …

  281. Scott Ranck says:

    I hate this commercial with the obese woman dancing around! What is wrong with these companies?

  282. Paul says:

    Did you see she split her blue stretch pants at the crotch seam? I would have started over.

  283. Michael Basinger says:

    In the ad, she says she controls her diabetes well. It doesn’t appear so.

  284. Lisa says:

    OMG do we really need a musical to promote a drug?? ridiculous

  285. Toby Currier says:

    I think this woman is very sexy!

  286. Richard Bean says:

    This commercial is terrible! The Bouncy Beach Ball drives me CRAZY! She should keep her tongue in her mouth! Nice voice but not very flattering wardrobe! It also plays to often and I’m sick of it!!!!

  287. Jay says:

    This fat ugly thing.. a ridiculous commercial where everybody is at the call of some… thing that is grossly overweight.. has 10 coats of make up on and couldn’t be more of a negative stereotype than anyone can imagine. I cringe every time I hear that song. But I do get some gratification by making fun of this horrible image of jello gyrating on national TV. I’m so so so tired of it. Gfy. Take this crap off tv.

  288. Nadine Cotter says:

    I do NOT find diabetes something to sing and dance about. Find this ad VERY offensive.

  289. Norm Lewis says:

    There is a killer disease over taking America. This commercial clearly promotes obesity. In fact, glorifies it. Happy with your fat ++ size? Need to fix your A1C? No problem! take Jaridance! and sing your troubles away!

  290. David Alan Whiting says:

    The “big secret” is the lady would have better luck with diabetes by losing 200lbs than she would with jardiance, in my opinion.

  291. Mona says:

    You people are incredibly mean with your rude comments! I’m appalled that so many people are so verbally disgusting over the way the people look in a simple commercial. You all need to look in the mirror!!!! You will see ugly looking back at you.

  292. Mike DeCastro says:

    The fat girl on the Jardiace commercial is too young to be this fat, no wonder she has diabetes.

  293. Tawanah Fagan Bagwell says:

    I like the musical event in this commercial. I want to see more of the star of the show!

  294. Sue Otto says:

    Diabetes is not a happy disease. I resent being represented by an obese woman. Not all diabetics are overweight. Worst commercial ever.

  295. Jackie Waters says:

    I truly believe this ad needs to be dumped. Its horrible marketing. As soon as I see the dancing and hear her sing it goes off. There has to be a better strategy!!!

  296. Thomas Bigatel says:


  297. Laura crow says:

    I’m not diabetic nor overweight, but I kind of like the ad. The actress/singer is attractive and sells the tune and drug. I hate the fat shaming that people on this thread are doing.

  298. Deb says:

    You guys need to move the cheese and make another ad, this one blows!

  299. Bruce says:

    Agree! Please, please retire this Jardiance commercial!!! So tired of seeing the same damn thing on TV every day and night!!!

  300. Mar says:

    Totally agree.

  301. Guy Jones says:

    Advertising of pharmaceuticals added 5 billion dollars to the price of those pharmaceuticals. And those are 2020 figures. Why they are advertised to the general public is beyond me.

    • Jimmy says:

      I was once married to a pharmacist. I cannot begin to tally the number of 3 course meal, open bar, drug company “presentations” I attended with her. And we’re not talking just us … 100 – 150 people for dinner each and every time. When they cry “R&D” costs for high prices they’re full of shit.

    • maarten429 says:

      It’s diabolical. Physician-prescribed medications have become a commercial commodity.

  302. Jeanine R Forbes says:

    Please remove this commercial. It’s the most irritating and idiotic commercial I’ve ever seen. I have to turn my head away.

  303. Robert Burkhart says:

    Agree completely. Why choose a morbidly obese woman to advertise a product intended to help type 2 diabetics – with heart problems?

  304. Dawn L Ballance says:

    This commercial is shown to MUCH!!! I’m sick of it!!!!

  305. Cindy Skoda says:

    This commercial sucks and she’s ugly and fat

  306. Marty Grill says:

    I don’t like the fat girl in this commercial. Get rid of it.

  307. Daniel Daugherty says:

    Great commercial, after watching I no longer have any desire to eat, Hope she didn’t have a grease fire with all that movement

  308. Vicki says:

    The actress should be the poster girl for not taking the critical importance of weight loss in the management of diabete.
    The lyrics say she’s treating her Type 2 diabetes well. Not at her morbidly obese size.

  309. M Kost says:

    I hate this commercial . It’s despicable the pharmaceutical company would spend the money for such a production instead of lowering the cost of the drug for patients And shame on the people in it, especially the “leading lady”…

  310. Fran Zito says:

    I absolutely hate the Jardine commercial and that a annoying woman in that horrendous yellow dress with a dubbed singing voice

  311. Gyselle Sawyer says:

    Jardiance commercial is the worst I have ever seen. I turn my head away every time it goes out🤮

  312. Clifford A Vickery says:

    I left much the same message on a company site suggesting that money spent on this ridiculous TV ad could be better applied to lowering the price of the drug for those of us who take it. The response I got back was how to get help getting the drug paid for. Unfortunately I don’t qualify for all those low cost schemes.

  313. Linda E. Toomey says:

    Get this STUPID commercial off of the air, This woman is Morbidity OBESE and probably wouldn’t have diabetes if she lost weight!!!! Stop the RIDICULOUS promotion!!!

  314. Chrystie says:

    I can’t express how much I hate this commercial! To show an OBVIOUSLY overweight woman and sing about the effects of a little pill is insulting. Instead of addressing the impact of diet & exercise on diabetes you’re implying it’s perfectly fine to be morbidly obese providing you can sing & twirl. A pull is NOTVTHE ANSWER!

  315. Paul. says:

    I’m have to disagree. I think Deanna is sexy. Very curvy and voluptuous. Wsy better than skinny boney women. Also woman like Deanna tend to be very good lovers.

  316. HARRY W SCHWARTZ says:

    I do not believe drug companies should be advertising directly to the consumer but, rather, educating the doctors to their new and emerging products. The consumer should not have to evaluate what pharmaceuticals are appropriate for them. That is the responsibility of a medical professional. As for this commercial: hideous! All the dollars spent on that ridiculous mini musical could have gone to lowering drug costs to the consumer.

  317. HARRY W SCHWARTZ says:

    I do not believe drug companies should be advertising directly to the consumer but, rather, educating the doctors to their new and emerging products. It is the responsibility of a medical professional to know the appropriate medications for their patients. As for this commercial: hideous! All the dollars spent on that ridiculous mini musical could have gone to lowering drug costs to the consumer.

  318. Pammie says:

    I mute this commercial every time it comes on. My son takes Jardience and he is thin thin thin. That girl that sings in the commercial does not represent the Jardience drug at all. The commercial is horrible!

    • Helene says:

      I’m glad your son is getting the help he needs. Some people ignore their symptoms and never seek medical help. I think that’s all the commercial is saying…and I enjoy her singing and dancing !

  319. Joel Reznick says:

    I could listen to you sing anything – I love your voice and hope other doors will open for you soon!

  320. Srarc Elogg says:

    The silliest ad on TV. At first I thought it was mocking pharma ads, but no … it’s truly horrid on many levels

  321. Richard Cranium says:

    If you think this commercial is fabulous, you need to get out of your mom’s basement more often.

  322. KH says:

    Yup. It’s offensive to have a musical production number about a deadly disease that often causes foot injuries that make actual dance IRL impossible. Let alone standing or walking in order to perform self care.

  323. Jerome V St.charles says:

    It does suck
    What’s with all the dancing people.
    I mute it every time.
    She’s not that special.
    Make the commercial go away

  324. LP says:

    She has diabetes and manages it well? I don’t think so. Poor representation of the Jardiance product.

  325. Susan Quader says:

    I just was diagnosed with type 2 this stuff is no joke. I took jardiance felt like crap. Cant we get ridnof drug commercials

  326. Ralf Meinzer says:

    Perhaps if the obese woman would lose 200 lbs., she would become healthier! Otherwise, I’m embarrassed for her to be so overweight and dancing her fat ass around like that!

  327. Michelle Brown says:

    She’s disgusting in those jeans. She’s humpty dumpy body. Shes got a front butt. I dislike musicals and by the way shes dancing, I feel like she’s always wanted to be in one but never got to. So this was her way to do it. I hate the commercial

  328. Wes kohler says:

    Worst commercial I’ve ever seen I think it is the sickest commercial I have ever seen

  329. Girn Blanston says:

    Yeah . . That commercial is at the top of the list for the rapid channel switch in our home . We’ve gotten so sick of the social engineering in commercials that we mute all of them or change the channel entirely .

  330. R. D. says:

    This commercial is the worst I have seen. A very overweight person suggesting that you can be fat and just eat what you want and the drug will take care of your diabetes. What does this tell America?!! Doesn’t help our obesity problem and for sure sends the wrong message for good health. Makes me think all the drug companies care about is money! Very sad!!

  331. Margery Askren says:

    I like the commercial because the patient is working on her A1C, and is physically active to lose weight.

    • Helene says:

      I agree with you Margery ! The message of he Commercial is to go to your doctor and get treatment ! Many people ignore their symptoms, do nothing about it ! I can’t believe all these people not seeing that !

  332. Ken Cunningham says:

    The funniest part of this commercial is the guy that I guess is supposed to be the director. He walks up behind the main character, and just starts moving his mouth really fast! Horrible acting!

  333. Steve says:

    All of you rejects with nothing but negative and abusive remarks about a human being are what’s wrong with everything in this world. All of you who degraded her in your comments are the fucking putrid scum of the earth and are pussy ass cowards hiding behind your online comments. Go out there and say what you commented to someone’s face. Of course you won’t, you snot nosed little bitches. You assholes are as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside and your comments show it. May your loved ones be commented on with the same amount of hate each of you gave, and when you see it may you remember why that is happening.

  334. Lynne Ramey says:

    I LOVE this commercial! 💕

  335. matthew stack says:

    why all these gat asses on tv wonder theyre diabetic if they loose 100 lbs maybe they live longer

  336. Diane says:

    I have to mute this mess every time it comes on. I hate it!

  337. Lori A Fairchild says:


  338. Vida Jackson says:

    Get rid of this commercial 👿

  339. Judy says:

    This woman has been made into a target for ridicule! She should know better!! Obesity is bad for diabetics. Shame on you Jardience!!!!

  340. Rob says:

    This is the most pathetic terrible horrible commercial ever made can not believe people get paid to show this utter garbage

  341. Dr. Richard Sokol says:

    This commercial insults people who do suffer from diabeties: the dancer is morbidly obese and lucky she hasn’t suffered cardiac arrest! I am a doctor and her getting a yellow tent dress at end of advt. would turn any Rx user off!

    • jimvulcan says:

      Thank you. Heavens forbid we tell the truth, right?? All woke nonsense.

      As I see it, these companies are trying to give some kind of credibility for someone being obese. Wild Kingdom….Hippos!!

  342. Janet Dancer says:

    This commercial is the worst ever on TV. Song sucks, singer sucks. I’d never take this drug because any company that would run this mess can’t be smart enough to produce a reliable medication. Get this off the air😫

  343. Jannis Huckelby says:

    I hate this commercial get rid of the fat woman

  344. jimlaliberte says:

    Welcome to Dumbed Down America!!! Like so many ads today, this reflects how stupid companies view the public.

    Spock? Time travel calculations…back to the 60s….law and order…common sense….good advertising.

  345. Cchambers says:

    I agree this ad sucks !! Portraying a huge overweight woman as someone special shows the low level of intelligence of the pharmaceutical company. The management there must be on cocaine !! Idiots !!

  346. Billie says:

    This commercial does not project a positive image of someone managing their diabetes. She’s too fat… period and then to be happily dancing is just too much. My guess is she falls into a chair exhausted. Her body and breathing do not reflect someone who dances. Come on. Be realistic.

  347. gryhatguy says:

    Get the script and we’ll make a charGPT version including all the back scroll comments.

  348. gryhatguy says:

    Considering that their target audience would take a pill to loose weigh as opposed to diet and exercise I’d say the commercial is perfect. It’s only a temporary solution because no pill fixes a lack of self control or esteem.

  349. gryhatguy says:

    Do take this pill if you are allergic to diet and exercise.

  350. gryhatguy says:

    If you are in a managed diet or exercise program talk to your doctor before taking Jardiance. Warning May cause lethargy depression and death to people that practice self care while taking Jardiance.

  351. gryhatguy says:

    It’s bigger than Oxy

  352. Skip says:

    This Commercial is by Far the Worst!!
    Girl trying to dance, ect
    Totally horrified by it!!

  353. Anita says:

    I would like to know why they would put an overweight person on a diabetic commercial. As if to say it’s fine to be heavy It’s pretty noisyating to watch

  354. Can’t stand this on so many levels. 1. Great voice but she couldn’t dance her way out of wet toilet paper. 2. Her annoying habit of putting her tongue out on “l’s”. 3. That godawful dress. She’s a big woman and that dress only accentuates every bulge and roll.

    • hELENE says:

      So you think you could do a better job? I think you’re jealous because she’s on TV and you’re NOT !

  355. D wood says:

    Tell the fat girl to sit down and go on a diet. Just annoying watching how her weight isn’t addressed in treating diabetes. Just have a party and dance down the street strutting your fat!

  356. Cheryl Berken says:

    The commercial stinks. Get rid of that cow of a woman. She is offensive to people who need that pill. Put someone in who is in shape and healthy.

  357. Mark Austin says:

    He’s my question

    Why is big Pharma advertising patients to tell their doctors what to prescribe… That’s why they went to medical school

    Take the money and educate the medical community

  358. Diane DeSalvo says:

    When u are that fat you are not managing your type 2 diabetes well. Too much sugar and carbs. U need a thinner person. I have worked hard at it. I once weighed 225 pounds and down to 200 then I got diabetes. Most time I averaged around 169. Finally used ozempic got my A1C down to 6.6 and now weigh 140 pounds. Even my retinophy in my right eye improved and diabetes under control. Having a fat singer doesn’t give me hope in trying jardiance! I am also a professional singer!

    • Helene says:

      Congratulations to you, Diane ! I am taking Ozempic too, although it causes me a lot of diahrea and heartburn ….I don’t know if the girl in the Commercial is diabetic or not, but I don’t think it’s necessary for everyone to be so mean to her

    • Richard says:

      It’s funny that you say this Diane, as I am trying to lose weight and keep away from diabetes as well. On my recent trip to the eye doctor I found that I too had improved my vision by getting rid of all that excess sugar, portion control,lowering my A1C and exercise. Congratulations on the very hard task of losing weight and getting your A1C lower. I have myself finally learned discipline is destiny! Goodluck Diane!

  359. Mary Lacey says:

    Jardiance may be a good drug but the big blue blimp makes it look like you can just take the drug and do NOTHING with your lifestyle to get better.

  360. Jeanine R Forbes says:


  361. Frank says:

    This morbidly obese woman sings praises that all you have to do to control diabetes is take this little pill. Obviously, she’s a walking time bomb for multiple health issues. But her sponsor’s goal is to sell more little pills, not help viewers become more healthy.

  362. ML Connor says:

    If she lost 100 lbs she might not needs meds!
    Diabetics mock this commercial . It is ridiculous

    • Helene says:

      Well, you cannot lose 100 pounds overnight, and during the meantime, you need medical help….many people ignore their symptoms, I know a man who recently died because he never went to a doctor. The purpose of the commercial is to inspire us to get medical help when we need it.

  363. Judy says:

    Have some respect for the people who watch these commercials!! The one for Lumia is disgusting and the ones for feminine products are getting worse!!! I am no prude but please!!!

  364. erma says:

    yes, the commercial sucks but i love her voice.

  365. Sue says:

    Take this commercial off the air..stupid has to change to a dress on top of this insane commercial…..lousy hate it change chanel as soon as it starts!

  366. Sky C. says:

    I came here because I wanted to see how many other people found this commercial to be as awful as I do. The Disney-esque song style is so asinine, and the the whole concept makes me hit mute the instant it comes on. In my 30 years in advertising, including for the pharmaceutical industry, I never saw a tv spot concept this awful get approved.

  367. Teresa says:

    Thus is THE WORST FUCKING COMMERCIAL EVER! Diabetes is about LOOSING weight and this stupid commercial glorifies being FAT!!! Get the FAT people off and STiP trying to make a $$$. REALLY?

  368. Leela Kochan says:

    The new Jardiance commercial is probably one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Who is the target audience, 7th graders?
    The jingle is adolescent and people dancing in a town circle is absurd.
    I can’t believe they actually paid an ad agency for such a disastrous commercial.

  369. Arlene says:

    I hate this commercial as much if not more than the AAA insurance commercials.

  370. Amber Cobb Jr says:

    I enjoyed the Jardiance musical commercial each time I’ve seen it.

  371. Kitty says:

    Commercials are an insult to one’s intelligence. Chinese torture, glorified, disgusting, ridiculous. Big farma making money re the medicines. America has become a cesspool of
    Generations of excess. I want my America back. Plain English it sucks.

  372. Sharon Lewis says:

    I so agree. Why use an overweight actress in your commercial?

  373. Betsy says:

    This commercial is totally irresponsible. You can’t fix diabetes, or most serious diseases by just taking a pill. There needs to be a weight loss plan associated with this….not just a pill.

    • Helene says:

      The commercial DOES NOT SAY THAT ! ! It’s just advertising the medication, that’s all….don’t you people have anything else to worry about in your lives? If you’re obsessing about a commercial, you should see a therapist

      • Steve says:

        Really, Helene? As someone who has posted here 13 times over the past 11 days, maybe you’re the one who should see a therapist about YOUR obsessive behavior. Don’t you have anything else to worry about in your life? Or is your life consumed by posting nonsense online:
        No one is “jealous that she’s on TV and they’re not.”
        Sorry, but Deanna DellCioppa Colon is morbidly obese, not a dancer (she just shuffles her feet), and will never be on Broadway.
        Your habit of putting a space before an “!” is annoying and you don’t always use periods at the end of a sentence. Maybe you’re the one who should “go back to school, before you start insulting anyone else for ANYTHING !”
        Also, “I know a man who recently died because he never went to a doctor.” You’ve got your tenses mixed up – you don’t know a dead person, you knew him.
        Finally, “I am taking Ozempic too, although it causes me a lot of diahrea [sic] and heartburn …” Way too much personal information and frankly we just don’t care.

  374. Sam says:

    Why someone so large? It’s not impressive at all. Maybe a diet is in order??

  375. Trish says:

    The best cure for diabetes is weight loss. Instead of embracing staying heavy and taking medication for a diabetes, they should be encouraging people to get and stay fit.

  376. Megan says:

    I amalso diabetic and from her appearance she is NOT managing the disease well. She is also super ANNOYING and a mediocre singer at BEST 🙄

    • Helene says:

      Hi Megan, we don’t know if she really has the disease, she’s just a singer/actress doing her job. I think she’s a great singer, she was a contestant on America’s Got Talent, you can see her performance there on You Tube. Good luck to you with your diabetes treatment.

  377. Rick sowden says:

    This fat woman makes. It okay to sing, dance and take a pill and get healthy and loose weight. Sorry fatso, it Isn’t that easy..

  378. fglancy says:

    Fat woman with diabetes, duh.
    I mute or change the channel when this ad comes on. It is repugnant.

  379. JM says:

    The woman in this commercial weighs about 300 lbs. In my experience, people this large are rarely dancing around (or even smiling, TBH).

  380. Karen Weber says:

    This is the most obnoxious commercial I think I’ve ever seen. It is horrible, insulting and sickening and needs to diappear.
    No one with diabetes or otherwise is wanting to see some fatass woman dancing around claiming the Jardian DRUG is the fix all to their A1C problem.
    No one in this US of A wants to see or hear the mind controlling tunes of these stupid low class drug pushing commercials. Its a disgrace and needs to stop. Wake up people!

  381. Not a fan says:

    This is the WORST COMMERCIAL who wants to see a fat very unattractive woman dancing around talking about her diabetes not me..please make it go away!!!

  382. John Phelps says:

    Every time this commercial comes on I feel the urge to go out and buy a set of Michelin tires.

  383. Shirley says:

    If I was that fat I would never flat it especially in that ugly yellow dress. I would never try jaradiance I would be afraid I would end up looking like her

  384. Rob says:

    She needs to get a participation trophy and a diet. If this is their idea of how a pill will “help” you then it’s a terrible drug as she is easily over 100 pounds overweight. A little weight loss and she probably wouldn’t even need meds.

  385. Clive Strumpel says:

    Her stomach is showing when she dances. The absolute wrong message on a myriad of fronts. Take a pill but God forbid you drop 80 lbs.

  386. Elsa says:

    What’s the lyric near the beginning between “at each day’s start” and “it was easy to see / lowering my A1C”? It’s 4 syllables and sounds something like “astomanon” … drives me crazy I can’t make out the words. Anyone know?

    • James says:

      I believe the lyrics are, “As time went on it was easy to see, I’m lowering my A1C.” Which is a complete load of crap! Jardiance by itself only lowers A1C by 0.7-0.8% over the course of 24 weeks in clinical trials. Take someone with an A1C of 7.6, after 24 weeks of “treatment” with Jardiance alone, no dieting, no exercise, their A1C at best would be @7.54. Way to go Jardiance!! Not bad for a drug that costs those without insurance only $580.01 for a 30-day supply, according to GoodRx. You’ve been hoodwinked if you think that Jardiance by itself will miraculously manage your diabetes and lower your A1C by any significant amount. The truth may be painful to hear, but diet and exercise are your best bet to improve your health – stop deluding yourself and get with the program!

  387. Lynn Olree says:

    Why in the world would that use someone like this who has a disgusting pouch of fat over her hoo hah?

  388. Kristen ledson says:

    She is so fat I don’t like to look at her. What are trying to say? Be fat?

  389. Jay Merritt says:

    She ought to lose weight and excercise some instead of taking drugs. What a loser!!!

  390. Kristen says:

    I’m not alone . Every time this comes on I mute quickly. The message is not what the company hoped to send. Most of us can’t stand to look at here.

  391. George Baca says:

    Why would you put a over weight person in a commercial that clearly specifies DIET& EXERCISE. Remove it for all it is doing is getting criticism and not selling Jardiance. Heavy persons are not for doing commercials. I am obese and would just not do a commercial where weight is something that is causing problem.

  392. Emmy Liz Nostaw says:

    Please remove that commercial. I think it is so embarrassing. I feel sorry for her. It isn’t because she has a weight problem, it is because she is making a fool out of herself. I am embarrassed for her. She is a beautiful woman. I just wish the commercial was done with a more tasteful way.

  393. Cheryl says:

    A bit of diabetes!!! Give me a break! Some over weight woman singing about a bit of diabetes is a joke! A big pharma should be embarrassed by their very own stupidity! Maybe it would be better if they were dancing about changing their diet and lose their lbs. that is the causation of their diabetes 2! AND THEIR AIN’t NO SUCH THING AS A TOUCH OF ANY DISEASE! YOU EITHER HAVE IT OR YOU DON’T!!! LETS BE REAL HERE.

  394. AM Bodager says:

    Yes, this is inaccurate and misleading. Ashame for a pharmaceutical company that is trying to sell a product to improve the control of blood sugars. Thanks for making all the jobs of health professionals such doctors to dietitians and diabetes educators harder.

  395. Kim says:

    You can not have a touch of diabetes. This commercial is horrible and misleading.

  396. To show this obese person spouting about handling her diabetes well is sick! The Jardiance may help her ( it didn’t me) but losing 150lbs would do more in my opinion. I mute or change the channel when she comes on.

  397. Pk says:

    If Deanna Colon lost some weight, she might be able to have some control over her diabetes. This commercial may make some people think it’s okay to be obese/overweight with diabetes.

    Completely wrong message Jardiance!

    Shame on you!!!

    • Helene says:

      Ms Colon HAS lost weight….I saw her on You Tube performing on ” America’s Got Talent ” in 2013, and she was twice as big as she is now….she is to be admired, not ridiculed.

  398. Joyce says:

    Horrible commercial! The woman is morbidly obese with what appears to be greasy hair. If anyone has ever really been on a commercial set , they would know the syrupy adoration of a principle just doesn’t happen. Contrived and not sure what the message is. Jardiance! You REALLY missed the mark on this one. Ad agency should be fired. Casting should be fired and you should NEVER use this woman again. Not a true professional actor. I would be curious if this was a Union shoot!

  399. Brenda says:

    How can you have a touch of diabetes ? Like saying I’m a touch pregnant!

  400. Bruce Lewis says:

    If she lost 100 lbs her diabetes would go away

  401. Benny Boykin says:

    Her being fat or obese has nothing to do with the stupid commercial. If she just pushed the product that’s fine and dandy. But dancing and shaking her rather large rear and huge breasts is just short of disgusting. Stop it.

  402. Ruth says:

    I think she’s great. Love her voice. She’s cute.

    • Helene says:

      I’m with you, Ruth ! Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, of course, but they don’t have to be so mean about it…it’s like they’re trying to get her fired, and that’s an awful thing to do in today’s economy

  403. Linda says:

    This woman is claiming to manage her diabetes well. She looks like she is over 100 pounds overweight. I have several friends with diabetes and all of them were told to lose some weight. They did and were told they did not have to be on any drugs at all. They are not skinny now….just making better choices. We turn off the sound as soon as it comes on. So repulsive. She seems to be saying don’t change your lifestyle — just take this drug.

  404. Hugh says:

    This commercial is almost as bad as anything by Liberty Mutual. Or Prevagen or Balance of Nature, whose nitwit paid users are vasgue about what those placebos do. Anyway, the Jardiance singer, Deanna “Bomb Chica” DellaCioppa Colón, would be better served by not downing the 5 or 6 packages of Oreos she apparently does every day and while washing them down with a gallon or three of peanut brittle ice cream. P.S, With her last name, why not “move” over and be a spokesperson for Cologuard?

  405. Kal says:

    You know, those who are obviously prejudice of overweight people. There are many different people out there. Overweight, skinny, as well as mean and hateful people. When will we get to the place in society where all people are accepted. Those who are Overweight can change but hateful people can’t. You must be totally unhappy and miserable people in real life and absorbed in your hate.

    BTW I thought the commercial was fine. I’ve seen worse.

    • Kevin says:

      I’m sorry, you are sadly defensive. Being grossly obese is a major contributor to becoming diabetic!
      You are trying to defend the indefensible.

    • Kevin says:

      Would love to know your weight?????

    • Helene says:

      I agree with you Kal, 100% ! Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but to be so nasty, calling her names, causing her to risk losing her job, is not necessary ! I interpret this Commercial as just telling people to get treatment, not to ignore their symptoms, which many people do. Therefore, I think it’s a good Commercial, doing a public service. Thank you for your wonderful Post, you have restored my Faith in Mankind !

    • Maria Sonia Melgar says:

      We are talking about an ad and not about people in general. An ad to be aware of diabetes and how to manage it. Just saying.

  406. Millie Winston says:

    Why would they put a big ass person on a diabetes commercial?????¿ I thought you were supposed to lose weight when you have diabetes not be 400lbs plus

  407. Vida Jackson says:

    Commercial sucks..take it off the air👿

  408. John Kida says:

    First of all, ‘a touch of diabetes’? Is this like being ‘a little bit pregnant’? Second, why don’t drug companies stop producing ridiculous and expensive commercials and cut their drug prices? Just sayin’

  409. Charlotte Nadin says:

    The actress who is dancing and singing in the blue outfit, is unaware when she is dancing on the edge of the fountain, her pant zipper breaks exposing her white underware at the crotch. I noticed it the first time it came out and texted the company. How embarassing for her that they continue to air it and the director didnt re film that part when he viewed the finished clip? Its a pharmaceutical product. Surely they have the money to fix it? Its been on close to a year!

  410. Judy says:

    Promoting being fat is ok? Yes, diabetes, plus high blood pressure, joint problems, body organ problems not to mention heart problems. I see YOUNG fat people in the commercials, you won’t see too many old fat people. They’re already gone.

  411. Lillian C says:

    Usually, the wacky waving tube people used to advertise stuff (like at used car lots) aren’t this wide and are much more fun to watch This ad is an abomination.

  412. Kathryn Burgemeister says:

    I can not get to the remote quick enough to change channels or stop and fast forward to whatever I am watching when this comes on. I hate the woman in it and the producer that made this.

  413. Jardiance says:

    💯 agree! Absolutely horrible.

  414. Steve sandifer says:

    You would think someone who is morbidly obese would sing about losing weight, not her A1 C

  415. Maria Sonia Melgar says:

    Jardiane is supposed to encourage managing type 2 diabetes. Showing a morbidly obese woman is the opposite. Obviously Jardiance is not doing it for her. Such bad advertising. Musicals are nice for shows. Only to highlight that Ad agency no longer have credible talents in advertising.

  416. Deb says:

    You desperately need to make a new commercial and throw this one in the recycling bin because it just SUCKS!!!!

  417. Cherry says:

    Why would Jardiance use an obese woman for this commercial,it’s awful. Just go on a diet and loose 100 pounds, then do it over….

  418. Robert E Womack says:

    Looks like people beat me to hating this add.

  419. Josephine Macdonald says:

    I agree it’s obnoxious.. did you notice the size of the hangers and clothes hanging on them are tiny.. then they find her a giant dress to wear. All those poor children in the sweat shop to make such an awful dress.

  420. Debra Wagner says:

    Sick of this silly commercial . Maybe she could lose weight and eat better and not need drugs.

  421. Linda Hill says:

    I love the commercial about Jordans and I love the girl who does the singing in the dancing in it and I love the flashdance sequences and everything about that commercial I love to watch that commercial it’s better than some programs on TV and I think that girl is great she’s cute she’s pretty and she can sing

    • Steve says:

      Were you dropped on your head as a child? Jordans are a popular brand of shoes made by Nike, Jardiance is an antidiabetic medication used to improve glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes. Your post is almost painful to read, by far the longest run-on sentence that I have ever seen! Were you absent or just not paying attention when punctuation was being taught? There are nifty things called “commas” and “periods”, you should look into using them.

  422. Teddy Boar says:

    She is terrible

  423. This has to be the worst GOD DAMNED COMMERCIAL that is being put on broadcast television.
    The main character can’t sing and she sure as hell doesn’t know how to dance.
    And, as for the whole damn cast; GET RID OF THEM. Their just as bad as the main character.
    And the fact that it’s a commercial about medication that turns into a commercial being made about the commercial just comes out totally STUPID!
    Each and every time it comes on, I mute it as fast as I can; sometimes that’s not fast enough.
    I can’t stand the sound of that FAT BITCHES VOICE, it hurts the EARS.

  424. Helen Hunter says:

    I totally agree! I CRINGE every time this commercial comes on. It should be PULLED for inaccuracy of nothing else. You cannot have a “touch” of diabetes. Also the woman needs to lose 75 pounds which might help get type 2 diabetes under control.

  425. Cate says:

    Awful choreography and costumes. Can’t watch it or listen to it. Blech.

  426. scott says:

    Great. Morbidly obese woman singing in the ad. She is the problem, not the solution. Cute, great voice, but incredibly inappropriate for a healthy lifestyle. So sad. Let’s have an ad with someone working on their diet, exercise and medications, not som obese woman singing about a drug.

  427. Dee says:

    Couldn’t Jardiance think of something more flattering for this person?! She has a great voice but jumping around being so heavy is not attractive and I’m sure whoever wrote this commercial could have done a way better job.

  428. Glen Lloyd says:

    No surprise here as I looked at all these hateful and ugly comments most of these losers have posted. Their is an old saying that I have heard many times. If you don’t have something decent to say, then keep your damn mouth shut. These people need some serious attitude adjustments. Typical narcissist commentary.

    • Steve says:

      Hey Glen, thanks for appointing yourself the moral arbiter of this website. Here’s another old saying for you, “Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.” Rather than shooting the messenger because you don’t like what they have to say, why don’t you stick to the subject and base your comments on the commercial. BTW, I’m shocked that you can even spell “narcissist” correctly, given that you can’t figure out the difference between “their” and “there”.

  429. Scott says:

    Type 2 diabetes is typically caused by bad health choices by the inflicted. So why would Jardiance use a slob who did this to herself to promote their product?

  430. Joe Corrigan says:

    The lady in the Jardiance commercial is named Violet Beauregarde, and both her color and obesity are due to Willy Wonka’s untested, experimental bubble gum. The Jardiance theme music was composed by Paul Williams with lyrics by Sylvester Stallone.

  431. Cathrine Burden says:

    This commercial is disgusting

  432. David Tager says:

    The whole point of Jardiance and similar medicines is to control type 2 diabetes – NOT to lose weight. Obesity is never healthy and certainly not desirable for those with diabetes.

    My son has type 2 Diabetes and takes Trulicity. It works
    But has resulted in nausea which in turn has resulted in major weight loss

    I’m all for using overweight actors and singers if they have talent but it is NOT appropriate for this ad.

    There is a much broader issue – the obscene cost of medicines. Part of the cost is legitimate R&D but advertising costs almost as much as research. ALL advertising of pharmaceuticals should be banned from advertising. Market medicines to the medical profession – NOT to the general public

  433. Lois dunne says:

    The obese actor in jardience commercials should be banned and too ashamed of herself to be on tv

  434. Robert Sager says:

    Tell her to drop 200 lbs and she won’t need Jardiance Absolutely despise that commercial

  435. Peggy fiedler says:

    As a Healthcare provider of over 35+ years, I am appalled that a pharmaceutical company has such poor comprehension and management of this disease! Disgusting!

  436. Michael Goolsby says:

    It looks like this commercial got re-edited.

    The character who played the dancing postal worker now dons an apron and sells fruit and doesn’t dance as much, but it’s the same actor–aired during the CBS Evening News broadcast of 13th August 2023.

  437. Michael S Katz says:

    Finally, centering on someone who is not skinny as a rail. What a refreshing change. It’s well edited, and I enjoy watching the commercial for a Change. Bravo to her.

  438. Joan says:

    Yes horrific commercial.
    Really it’s medication not a musical. So stupid

  439. Me says:

    They have an expanded/new version. It’s just as bad.

  440. Carolyn says:

    I have never been one to write, post or otherwise inflict my opinions on the unsuspecting public, but every time I see that Jardiance commercial, I want to hurl the television through the wall. What ad agency created this?

  441. Debra Patterson says:

    I do not like the commercial !!!

  442. Robert Urbine says:

    I’m so glad many others agree with my opinion of that obese lady promoting taking a pill instead of cutting back on what you eat and trying some exercise. I’ve seen many commercials over the years but this one is one of the worst. One that disgustingly fat should not be promoting her lifestyle to diabetics.

  443. Bill says:

    Agreed. All of the Jardiance, Skyrizi and most drug commercials do suck. Also, I’m truly ashamed that good Rock songs have been bastardized and sold or stolen for use in this low caliber of commercials.

  444. Patricia Perkison says:

    The Jardiance commercial featuring an unhealthy, overweight person is hardly an example for health and fitness. Plus, the way she sticks her tongue out when singing is disgusting.

  445. Colleen Foltyn says:

    Oh my God. STOP the insanity and end this horrid embarrassing jardiance commercial. It makes no sense at all. I’m embarrassed for her. The ending is absolutely ridiculous. Thank God I don’t need jardiance. If I did I wouldn’t buy this product because of this commercial

  446. Linda Kemmerer says:

    I didn’t realize that diabetes was something to sing and dance about. I guess I was wrong. This ad is ridiculous.

  447. Brett L.Jadwin,sr. says:

    All you haters should be ashamed of yourself ! I suppose you think you live in perfect “Barbie fantasy world” where everything is sunshine and daisies.Really? I suppose you judging people for their shortcomings makes you feel superior to everybody! Grow up and come down out your “Ivory Tower” at the end of the day,when you get cut,you still bleed red,when you wipe your butt,it’s still brown and stinks and put your pants on one leg at a time, just like everybody else!You’re not superior to anyone so get over it! This lady is delightful and no doubt has more going for her than you do!

    • Steve says:

      Really Brett? I suppose you judging people makes you feel superior, but you’re not – you’re just a tool. Go ahead and call me a “hater”, but I’ll still agree with the majority of the comments posted by people that absolutely despise this commercial. The lady may be delightful, but the only thing she has more going for her than I do is about 150 pounds of blubber. What if Jardiance got rid of their “Barbie fantasy world” commercial and replaced it with one touting the benefits of diet and exercise in combination with their little pill? Let the fat lady sing while wolfing down a garden salad, or seeing how many reps she can do at the gym…you know, put a little effort into actually lowering her A1C.

  448. Sandy says:

    Please stop this commercial… I really hate it.

  449. Catherine Roth says:

    I hate this commercial. How can you have an obese woman do this ad and then say
    Diet and exercise. Obviously she does not diet. It is disgusting ad. It seems obesity is the norm now.

  450. Cindy says:

    Embarrassing commercial. They couldn’t pay me enough to be in that mess of a 1950’s commercial

  451. Jake Jenkins says:

    No wonder that fat women needs diabetes drugs cause it looks like her neighborhood cafe is McDonalds that she can stay away from.

  452. Richard says:

    When I first heard it, I thought, what a catchy tune. To myself I was thinking, sure that’s all you do, take a spin around and dance, you get rid of A1C and diabetes. The more and more I saw it on tv, the more I became angrier. You pricks! I seethed. Just like the high fructose corn syrup manufacturers put in your food, so that you’ll eat more of that garbage they feed to you, or better still, you eat voluntarily. I am obese myself trying to keep away from high A1C and other health concerns. The lady is an actress and a good one at that. This has nothing to do with a heavy person singing and dancing. This is about how drugs and the like are marketed to make diabetes seem like an easy fix that is so offensive. It not doing people any favors that buy into the commercial as if the issue were a comedy. It is not! There will always be snake oil salesman trying to make it seem easy for you and pay you will! Take the harder and more successful route by selecting the right foods, portion control and exercise.

  453. Jeanne Jones says:

    This Jardiance commercial is awful!!! This big huge woman dancing around or attempting to just isn’t good at all!! Shouldn’t you be showing someone that has lost some weight? She looks like she’s around 400 lbs! I just think they didn’t take enough time and get the right woman for the commercial!! Singing and dancing is all wrong too! Try harder next time Jardiance!

  454. The commercial sucks. Her slacks don’t fit in front.

  455. Bonnie Lewis says:

    I hate this commercial. The actress is talented and pretty, but I think it sends the wrong message. Doesn’t look like Jardiance is doing anything for her obesity and obesity is terrible for a person with diabetes. I think it’s a bad presentation. Not that they need a skinny person promoting weight loss, but a normal size woman seem would be a better choice to promote its effectiveness for controlling diabetes

  456. Dale says:

    Not a good commercial for the product. No way will I even try it

  457. Steve says:

    Can’t stand this add, have to mute it whenever it comes on and look away, the song is corny and she can’t dance. If this stuff is supposed to make you healthier then this sure doesn’t represent that.

  458. Marni mossman says:

    This commercial is soooo ridiculous. A musical about the worst disease in the world??? She acts like it’s a good thing.. it’s NOT. Very hard to manage, and they pick the chubbiest girl ever to represent it!!! So offensive!!!

  459. Starla White says:

    I LOVE this commercial! The lyrics, rhythm, and rhyme are catchy and the lady’s voice is musical! She does a great job showing she’s enjoying her life and is so happy and uplifting! It’s very cute! (Did I mention the lyrics and song are catchy?) It draws me in and makes me feel happy.🤗

  460. Kim Grage says:

    I wish they would take this commercial off grosses me out

  461. Gayle Pieratt says:

    I become annoyed every time she sings her song about the “little pill” with a big story to telll.
    Change the lyrics. How about Jardiance, with the big price story to tell.
    It is so expensive. Fixed income, $150.00 for the prescription, unbelievable.

  462. Dee Vandenburg says:

    Please take this horrible Jardiance Commercial OFF the air. Horrible & horribly insulting!

  463. Marvin Waxman says:

    The current Jardiance ads are repulsive to seniors paying $150 per month even on Medicare and a prescription plan. Type 2 Diabetes is hard enough to live with let alone watching an overweight young woman dancing to a jingle. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I’m on a fixed income but more than enough to get a discount card.

  464. Kpie says:

    Everyone hates the jardiance commercial with the untalented fat lady. She is embarrassing and we shut it off or mute it every time!!

  465. Veronica says:

    What a disgraceful and disgusting commercial. What is wrong with you people? Are you deaf, dumb and blind. This is an obese woman doing a commercial about diabetes and what a great drug this is. You morons are sick.

  466. Caryl says:

    I cannot stand or sit this commercial. Please take it off the air. Enough is enough. If I ever had this medical problem, I would never use this product.

  467. Sandy says:

    I think this commercial I awesome! She is adorable and I love it. You people with negative remarks grow up!

  468. Pat says:

    I don’t care about her weight at all, she is just inappropriate. Who does a song and dance routine about a life threatening disease and smiles that disgusting smile. An earlier commercial looked like her pants weren’t even buttoned. This is not the epitome of a classy informative commercial. I turn it off every time I see it.

  469. Sam says:

    Hate..hate..hate..this one in particular & ALL drug commercials, which seem to be about 60% of commercials these days. We don’t want kids to take drugs but that’s all we advertise and put music to it with singing and dancing as if it’s the best thing you could possibly do!! Criminal

  470. Dogg says:

    The wife and I always get a laugh at the 17 second mark, with the dude dancing on the far right lower corner.. Not sure if he is supposed to be the dance coordinator that appears in the ad later on..
    The dancing Postman is another.. as we all know, the Postman would be the last person to appear to be that excessively happy!
    We get it, it’s actors involved in making a commercial behind the scenes, but it is done with a bit of satire as well..
    Still a good fun chuckle when it typically airs during our dinner.

  471. Patty says:

    You’re right!! This commercial does suck!!! Sorry, but this lady is incredibly irritating ! She’s singing and dancing like being this big is good for you! I can’t even watch it!

  472. B says:

    Absolutely agree. If this woman, who can afford it, consulted with a doctor, nutritionist, and fitness coach, and maybe joined Weight Watchers, she might not be a type 2 diabetic. What a sad commercial

  473. Clifford Vickery says:

    The commercial has been redone at the beginning to eliminate the postal carrier in uniform. Was the postal service so opposed to this “mailman” character that they forced the commercial to be redone? Too bad as this would have been a good moment to pull the commercial as we have suggested. Would have been a good opportunity to lower the price of the drug rather than spend on elaborate TV commercials.

  474. Mike Cassell says:

    RE Jardiance diabetis pill commercial
    How about we sing about a person who eats healthy to get rid of diabetis or pre diabetis symptoms rather than take the easy way out and pop a pill.

  475. S Hertz says:

    This women is morbidly obese and she is handing it well with one little jardiace pill a day. Jardiance is telling people that you should stay fat, just take a pill. Stupid stupid stupid.

  476. Jim says:

    Fat, slobbish, but not quite dead people are great for big pharma profits.

  477. Kevin Thomas Crane says:

    I’m sorry this commercial gets on my last nerve … I wanna push this chic off a cliff or something, I don’t what is … No scratch that I do what is it’s the obvious lip syncing fat chic… It’s awful…

  478. Elsa Peterson Obuchowski says:

    I finally understood the lyric right before “it was easy to see / lowering my A1C.” Ah! It’s “As time went on it was easy to see…”
    Now I can quit being annoyed like “wth does astamenon mean?” and just be annoyed about the other annoying aspects of this spot.

  479. Carolyn T. Crawford-dixon says:

    My initial intent was to remark on the singers pants appearing to be open in one of the scenes but after reading some of the other comments I’m ashamed of my remark. People are cruel and insensitive. The commercial is catchy and about the product. People’s weight is there concern, not yours.. Show some decency and I’m sure there is something about the nay sayers appearance that can be criticized. No one is perfect.

  480. R. Mccraw says:

    If she loses weight, the woman in the ad may not need jardianca.

  481. Jim says:

    This commercial made me switch to ozempic. Get real pay for professional singers and dancers.

  482. Alfred E Neuman says:

    Its the new “800 Cars for kids “ method to drive us crazy!

  483. Robert says:

    Why do you think people watch TV? Its to escape our pathetic reality! We want to see our pathetic reality we can go to a family reunion or walmart! This commercial with the fat woman dancing singing about jardiance is laughable! Who ever was ahead of this ad campaign should be drug tested! Lol and probably not be higherd for further ad campaigns! Did you even check to see if this person went to advertising school? Or has a basic high school diploma?! I’d pull this commercial! I see it and I’d think….this jardiance is gonna make me fat! Makes me not any part of it!

  484. Michele M Nause says:

    Awful commercial.

  485. Mike Jones says:

    Hate this commercial, the tune, and the fat chic

  486. Beautrice Johnson says:

    I am very offended by your product being advertised by a very obese woman. Your products is for better health; while she obviously does not practice it!!!!

  487. atelerixia says:

    That big yellow dress that she wears at the end of the commercial really looks bad on her too.

  488. Robert Stockton says:

    If jardiance is supposed to make you lose weight she probably isn’t the one to promote it!

  489. Tom Letkis says:

    Good God she’s huge and ugly period all she had to do was eat less food to lose weight which he refuses to do. Who let’s themselves become that enormous.

  490. Kit Perkins says:

    Absolutely hate the Jardience commercial! You use a fat ugly woman to advertise your product, and think that it will appeal to the masses that have diabetics? Ick…

  491. Scott says:

    This is a commercial featuring a woman with a butt gut singing about managing her diabetes “well”. Hard pass.

  492. Sam says:

    This commercial is awful. Maybe she should try dieting!!! I would be so embarrassed to be that big and slide around. Ugh!!!!!

  493. Stacy Easley says:

    It makes me sick to my stomach please don’t show it no more

  494. spock7005 says:

    Hairspray meets Jardiance.

  495. Marj says:

    I hate this commercial. I have diabetes and I’m not dancing or singing. No one is. Why can’t they approach commercials with dignity?

  496. Jim says:

    Terrible commercial that makes light of a disease that can kill you. And that line, touch of diabetes, irks me every time I hear it.

  497. Sharon Skalitzky says:

    Stupid to sing and dance about medicine
    Remember Valium use to be known as the little magic pill!

  498. Connie Brisolara says:

    As a person who is an insulin dependent diabetic, I find this commercial extremely offensive. I have a touch of diabetes makes light of a very serious life threatening disease. Dancing and singing is not the proper way to address this issue.

  499. Tim says:

    I think she is disgusting looking. I mentioned commercial to a friend he immediately knew which commercial I was talking about without saying to much. I hope she lost some weight.

  500. Michele King says:

    It is a horrible message. Go ahead be overweight, take a pill, all is well! No it isn’t. It is also terribly annoying stupid song and dance number.

  501. Meme says:

    This commercial is the worst! Get a new actress, it’s sickening to watch. She doesn’t even sing where she is suppose to, and she’s too heavy to try to look good. It is the worst thing and it’s on too many times a day, I turn the channel, and would never buy the product, the ad spoiled it fir me.,

  502. Betty ross says:

    Interesting perspective, got me thinking, not in a positive way either.

  503. Chris says:

    Putting an obviously obese person to push jardiance is offensive. No diabetic should look like this. Is this saying it’s ok to be overweight?

  504. Ken says:

    I love seeing and hearing Deanna in your commercial. Ken

  505. mik jagger says:

    I also got a Boner

  506. Bev says:

    If you have the disease diabetes or your loved has it you know and are aware of trying to keep control of your daily sugar levels. It dangerously fluctuates!! The Jardiance commercial looks to me like “take this medicine and you’ll always be a controlled, happy diabetic. I pray all humans never get this disease🙏😊

  507. Kay Carroll says:

    I agree. This commercial supports obesity and the drug should be banned if for nothing else, that!

  508. Dave says:

    I don’t have diabetes, but I’m ready to buy this drug in bulk! I’m sold!

  509. Me says:

    Why did they change the postal worker to a merchant?

  510. 🥎Kiki Pierce🥎 says:

    This is the worst commercial ever… her fat arms are bigger than my thighs.. Take It Off Please!!!!!

  511. Chris Scotto says:

    Your negative comment of a most effective commercial from an actress who has diabetes 2 is disgusting and shows your ignorance of what the public needs to be motivated than depressed with their health issues. GTH and get smart. Quit your job and be a trash collector, pick yourself up with all of it.

    • Steve says:

      Bravo Chris! Two “You suck” comments in one day! And this diatribe to showcase that you’re a moron, well done! No way is this an effective commercial and your fabulous “actress” is a big, blue, Oompa Loompa. The “public” doesn’t need to be motivated to pop a pill, the public needs to diet and exercise! Or is the siren call of some magical elixir too strong to resist? Putting some real effort into losing weight and learning to actively manage their A1C would do more for anyone depressed with their health issues than Jardiance ever will. BTW, if I quit my job tomorrow and became a trash collector, you would still be an idiot!

  512. Chris Scotto says:

    You suck not this fabulous actress sharing a positive message.

  513. Robert Arceneaux says:

    100% The Jardiance commercial Sucks Ass….No Body wants to see this 300Lb woman dancing around like she is some Hott Chick….and the sight of her sticking her tounge out of her mouth while she sings is Disgusting….For the Love of God Please STOP Playing this Dang Commercial

  514. George Baca says:

    I am tired of changing channels during Jardiance commercial. Please remove it. I just don’t see how showing obese persons gives any kind of meaning to using said medication. It is a discussing commercial.

  515. Dave says:

    I can’t turn the station fast enough when the dancing Jardiance commercial comes on, it IS horrible. The pharmaceutical companies make as much, if not more, profit than the oil & gas industries. The obnoxious add is technically not about diabetes, an unexpected side effect of Jardiance is some weight loss in certain individuals so the corporation is taking advantage of that (& keeping the price high) in adds like this because the product isn’t legally approved as a weight reducer. It should be illegal to air such a misleading “healthcare” advertisements, especially when the public can’t directly purchase the product, (without a prescription & LOTS of money). Wish the company would do everyone a favor and remove this societal degenerating trash, but they get tax right-offs and too much profit to be concerned about society’s ‘health’.

  516. Leslie says:

    Instead of obese people singing and dancing, which has been done to death, in a commercial about diabetes, which being grotesquely obese can lead to, why not give nutrition and exercise advice in your ads. Tell the truth and actually help people. Being as overweight as most in that ad us NOT ok! And its gross. Since when do we celebrate obesity?!?!

  517. Yvonne gray says:

    Hate this commercial. It’s sending the wrong message. It’s ok to be obese and diabetic, just pop a pill rather than promoting a healthy lifestyle and weight loss for treatment.

  518. NYYankfan says:

    Having to watch this commercial over and over for all eternity is what should await serial killers. This would truly be hell.

  519. Mj says:

    Maybe I’m in the minority, but it’s the only drug commercial I don’t change. I’m singing along. And if I ever need to lower my h1c I’m requesting Jardiance.

  520. This commercial sucks and is annoying!!

  521. Barbara Marone says:

    It is without a doubt the worst commercial ever. Jardiance is supposedly effective with diet and exercise. The actress is overweight. She has no rhythm and that song gets on my last nerve. Less is more. I have to immediately hit the mute button when your commercial is on, it insults me that much. And why the need for two different commercials? One does enough damage!

  522. Reid Deese says:

    “The number one reason people get type 2 diabetes is being overweight “, and this lady is morbidly obese. The message to diabetics is “It’s okay to be fat with Type 2 diabetes as long as you take the little pill “. I know personally about that, I am diabetic, I have struggled with my weight for years and have been blessed to have been able to lose over 60 pounds, and still need to lose more. This has nothing to do with body image, or the trend of having tons of commercials with + size people, it has everything to do with good health. Lose this commercial!!!!

  523. cdsherlock says:

    If she has Type 2 Diabetes and is that big, she’s definitely not managing it well.

  524. Sharon says:

    “It’s not over until the fat lady sings”
    That’s a big lie. That jardience lady is still singing and it’s NOT over. PLEASE give that commercial A REST!

  525. Dr says:

    Watching her jiggling fat is disgusting…. PLEASE STOP THIS COMMERCIAL.

  526. BC says:

    Despite her hugeness, she is just annoying and obnoxious – int he opening she gets off a bus… what possible bus seat could hold her ?  I get that she thinks she is a star, but it’s just annoying to see her dance around like a buffoon 

  527. Linda Justmann says:

    Unfortunate to be singing about taking pills
    and she has a costume change
    Pls take her off the air

  528. Larry says:

    I am a diabetic and somewhat over weight and I enjoy the commercial. I think that it is uplifting and more realistic.
    It is refreshing to see a normal person in the commercial rather than some twiggy.


  529. Jackie Gilbert says:

    That fat cow on the Jardiance commercial is a disgrace to the plus size community! Standing there waving your arms is NOT dancing. Her smile is more of a snarl! Shame on whoever hired her! Worst commercial ever!!!!

  530. Jim says:

    If she was wearing purple she could pass for Barney

  531. Jardiance Joy says:

    Great idea for super bowl halftime show.

  532. Sushi says:

    Cannot help but wonder how many of her toes have been amputated.

  533. Lisa says:

    She has extensions and a split in the front of her blue pants it looks like . And she totally grosses me out , looks like she’s trying to score with every male in the commercial. Yuck ,gross,burn my eyes..

  534. Emma says:

    Jardiance promotes morbid obesity. She’s got her diabetes under control. I think not!

  535. Mark K says:

    Everyone still love this commercial as much as you did 6 months ago?! It is on, all the time, on every channel, at all hours of the day. This woman doesn’t manage anything well. She is obese. She should start with managing her weight before turning to a pill to solve her diabetes problem. It is not some kind of magical shortcut with no downside.

    • atelerixia says:

      Mark, the woman in the commercial is Deanna Colón. She’s just an actress and does not have diabetes at all.

  536. Elaine Aschbacher says:

    The manufacturer of drug Jardiance needs to get rid of the person in the commercial. In my humble opinion, she does not do it justice.

  537. Pope F says:

    This only positive thing about the Jardiance commercial is that it has made me forget about all of those Cologuard commercials. But seriously, please, make it stop. I can’t get that song out of my head and every time that commercial comes on I just want to die.

    Or have I already died and this is purgatory?

  538. Nancy says:

    This commercial irrirates me so much! If that woman would lose 50 to 100 lbs, she most likely no longer have diabetes. I think the commercial implies that it ok to be obese because you can just take a pill to take away your medical problems caused by obesity

  539. Debbie says:

    Who is the guy standing behind her when she is in the chair like he is gonna fix her hair. He has a beard

  540. Joe says:

    She is hot

  541. Diet tacos says:

    I reach for the remote immediately when she starts her show. The 1st 10 times it was good, the next 10 times it was bearable, but the last 800 times that commercial makes me so mad I could yak

  542. Gar says:

    It’s a great commercial!
    We diabetes can relate…

  543. Candace says:

    Absolutely horrible the most disgusting corny stupid dance moves Little Steps terrible they should be ashamed of themselves for putting that out on TV what is happening to the people who do commercials what planet are they from this is the worst ever come on get clever do something that’s cool you people have lost all coolness you just corny corny corny corny

  544. Russ says:

    Instead of losing 100 lbs, and probably kicking Diabetes, just eat our pill… Then you can eat all the junk you want…🤔

  545. Ann says:

    It’s not just that the woman is extremely fat, it’s that she’s stupid to dance around as if she’s attractive or intelligent.

  546. Puddin' Tame says:

    That commercial could be responsible for me blowing up my TV. NO “little pill” has ANY story to tell…

  547. Penny says:

    Absolutely horrible commercial

  548. Margie Forbes-Skubic says:

    Perhaps a most tasteful ad needs to replace the current one.

  549. HATE THE FAT says:

    whoa, please lady, come back and defend some more-bidly obese….how many small pills did you eat?

  550. Ron johnson, md (vascular surgeon) says:

    This is malpractice by the makers of jardiance. At least get someone without fat hanging out of her mouth. This sends a message that however I abuse myself, there’s a pill to take care of me. Forget diet and exercise..

  551. Susan C. says:


  552. cathy says:

    This commercial is beyond horrible … all of it …. Comes across as totally condescending.

    • Dan says:

      A obese FAT WOMAN trying to dance while showing her fat rolls . Is this the right message for a tv commercial hawking diabetes. This commercial sends a wrong STUPID MESSAGE. THE ad company needs to be fired and the fat people all over the ad need to go to a good weight loss doctor

  553. Molly Mae says:

    You people are absolutely vile. Your level of disrespect and fatphobic language is appalling. I get tired of seeing the commercial on TV too, but that doesn’t mean you get to demean someone because of their appearance. It’s disgusting. Get a new hobby. Stop body shaming and inform yourselves.

    • Steve says:

      Really, Molly? I’m vile because I find a morbidly obese woman prancing around like a diva in a bogus commercial repulsive? This is a commercial that claims taking a little pill, instead of diet and exercise, will manage your A1C – no effort required and you can continue to stuff food down your throat. Would it be okay for me to demean someone for being handicapped? Of course not! But this person is not handicapped. Body shaming is the act of making negative comments regarding someone’s weight or size. Fine, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s fat! Not a bit chunky, not big boned, not slightly overweight…she’s a damn beluga! You’re right, it is disgusting! Being overweight is the number one cause of diabetes. This is about exercising some self control and not eating to excess. This person wasn’t born morbidly obese, she earned that distinction with every pizza and Twinkie that she shoved into her mouth. Morbid obesity isn’t a “condition”, disease, or handicap, it’s entirely self-inflicted!

    • Fly says:

      Molly? No, she’s not Melissa! Try Deanna.

  554. Larry Ferrarini says:

    Worst commercial ever!!!!!!!!!!

  555. Dale Robert Kohl says:

    Why would anyone use a tremendously Heavy Set women for a diabetes commercial. Over weight is a big reason people get diabetes. This commercial makes it seems they are pushing for Fat people so they can sell more drugs.

  556. Anita Gordon says:

    Get this commercial off the air! I can’t stand that obese woman dancing and prancing about. I have to change the chanel every time. Enough!

  557. Victor Kleykamp says:

    Tracy Turnblad wannabe

  558. Linda says:

    I would think you would select someone to praise Jardiance that isn’t obese. Those with diabetes watching this may be ‘urged’ to NOT manage their weight. PLEASE change this commercial & have someone who isn’t so overweight to sing about managing their diabetes well!
    Thank you from an anomynous Healthcare worker!!!!

  559. Doc Faust says:

    Ad agencies, in their fear of the radical left, have gone woke, afraid of protests by fringies, including unhinged fat people.
    Who deliberately mischaracterize things they dislike as “phobia”. Not wanting to pollute my vision with dancing hippos is NOT the same as an irrational fear, despite what those lying mentally ill say.
    Mainly, ad agencies knew for decades that people buy products shown by attractive people, but seem to ignore that truth.

  560. Toni L. says:

    As a diabetic skinny people get diabetes too. In the end we are all people with our own individual marks. Get over the image we all have an image if we want it or not. I think the Jardiance gal is real and I say God Bless her.

  561. Me says:

    I couldn’t agree more. First of all, drug companies shouldn’t be allowed to advertise medicines. This is the job of your doctor to recommend a specific drug or treatment, not the drug companies. Remember, drug companies are a business, so their goal is to make profits from your illness; therefore, a medical professional should be in charge, not a drug or insurance company. It’s obvious, according to Google, that a vast majority of Americans hate this obnoxious commercial and don’t want to see it in the privacy of their own homes blaring through the tv with that lady’s annoying voice, like fingernails on a chalkboard. One would think the drug companies marketing department (and yes, this department is responsible for “ selling” their products to make money) would rethink this one, considering the negative response that commercial has generated.

  562. Rena Lane says:

    Love the commercial but tired of looking at her unzipped blue jeans, not a good look 👀

  563. Charlene says:

    This commercial is awful. Morbidly obese woman singing that she manages her diabetes well. If the drug helped mer manage diabetes, she wouldn’t be that morbidly obese. Get rid of the morbidly obese woman.

  564. Jackie says:

    What is the purpose of Jardince commercial

  565. Cindy says:

    Of course they’re going to have a fat ass advertising jardiance! Why not tell people that type II diabetes is preventable if you’ll just put the fork down and make better choices! But no, it’s easier to keep stuffing your fat face and take a pill than take control of your health and employ some self control. SMH!!

  566. Fern says:

    Horrible commercial. I mute the sound every time it comes on. Can’t stand looking or listening to the lead. This company should do better.

  567. William Smith says:

    Looks like the advertiser fully supports morbid obesity.

    • Michael Goolsby says:

      That is how the manufacturers are making their money.

      It’s in their interest to keep you sick and in need of their medication…and that’s one of the reasons why we should never let pharma companies out there sell their prescription drugs to the general public through such mass advertising means as TV commercials telling viewers to “ask your doctor about…”.

      This commercial, although re-tooled again, still sucks and is just one more reason why “Big Pharma” out there should not be advertising to the public about their prescription products.

  568. Becky says:

    I hate the jardiance commercial the whole jingle sucks…now they have it with a different woman on it. Plus it’s way too long I turn it off when it comes on

  569. RuthAnn says:

    Well I like the lady on the Jaridance commercial . She’s cute and you people that trash it should just not watch it. She must be doing something right ! She’s git a job on tv. What are you doing?

  570. Faye Keough says:

    It is pretty apparent that the second actress is lip syncing and it sounds suspiciously like the first commercial’s singer. Not the actress’ fault. The company shouldn’t have changed it.

  571. Rod B says:

    Yeah, I thought the Jardiance commercial with the “dancing baby elephant” (sorry to be rude) was offensive so, when I saw the remake recently, I wondered what happened. Now I know..!!

  572. Laurence B. says:

    I am glad some underdogs are finding self-esteem. But facts don’t lie. Being overweight, and eating sugary foods leads to serious health problems. Much of the negative comments directed at this woman, should be directed at Big Pharma. I think of this idiotic commercial, where parents light a Birthday cake, then wake up their sleeping son, to blow out candles. People need to write and e-mail news media, and social advocates. I usually change the channel, mute, or if somewhere without control, simply plug my ears while humming. Sadly, one of my overweight hommies, 40’s had a massive heart attack on vacation and died.

  573. Lois Ford says:

    These are the worst commercials imaginable. If I was dying I would never take take this medication because of the stupid ads. Just awful.

  574. Louise MacDonald says:

    We only need the facts about Jardiance. We do NOT need a song and dance show. No one likes the two singing and dancing Jardiance commercials. Please ditch these 2 commercials.

    Louise MacDonald

  575. Mike says:

    Not only does it suck – it’s annoying and steals minutes of my life I’ll never recoup.
    the actresses are horrible and the content is stupid . This is big corporate blowing money rather than paying decent wages to employees or reducing costs to patients . Whomever is responsible for creating this nonsense is people completely out of touch with reality.

  576. Steve says:

    Has anyone else noticed how much the volume of posts has dropped since Jardiance replaced “Big Blue”, aka Deanna DellaCioppa Colon? I still find the current Jardiance ad to be offensive, but I’m not as grossed out anymore. Now it’s just one more ad in a plethora of annoying commercials shilling for big pharma.

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